Have you ever been told you may need a root canal but have no idea why? Many patients associate root canal treatment with dental pain. This specialized procedure is performed to treat infection and/or infection in the tooth’s pulp tissue, which consists of nerve fibers and blood vessels. During treatment, the damaged portion of the… Read more »
Medical News
DAP Health has successfully completed their acquisition of Borrego Health, a federally qualified health center serving San Diego County, the Inland Empire and the Western Riverside, Eastern Coachella Valley and Mountain Pass regions. The move will bring DAP’s award-winning, holistic, patient-centric model of health care to more communities and thousands more individuals and families throughout… Read more »
Let’s Shatter the Stigma
- By Student Emma Feller
- July/August 2023
I’m done with mental health being such a taboo topic of conversation. I’m done with the initial shock of others when bringing up my own mental health in a conversation. I’m so done with mental illness issues being treated as rare and shameful. Having an experienced perspective on mental health is both fortunate and unfortunate.… Read more »
Why is Vitamin D so Important?
- By Pam Gossman, DNP, APN, BC-FNP, CPHQ
- July/August 2023
Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin” because it is produced in our bodies when we soak up some rays. But did you know that vitamin D plays a crucial role in keeping our bodies healthy and functioning optimally? Let’s delve into the importance of vitamin D and why it’s essential for your health… Read more »
Be the Author of Your Own Story
- By Susan Murphy, PhD
- July/August 2023
You may have heard the statement “everyone has a book in them.” The Wall Street Journal found that 80% of the population plans to write one someday. Have you thought of writing a book? If so, there are several important reasons to write that book: So, what’s my story about becoming an author? The… Read more »
Wildfires Impact Everyone
- By Sam DiGiovanna
- July/August 2023
Though most of the Coachella Valley is not in what we consider the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), where brush fires threaten hillside homes, we can still be affected by smoke particles released into the air from those fires. This reminder was recently made very clear with the effects of Canadian wildfires on air quality in… Read more »
Dreams to Remember
- By Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos
- July/August 2023
The average person has three to seven dreams per night. Did you know that vivid early morning dreams, the ones you have just before awakening, are the easiest to remember? According to experts, this dream memory happens during the rapid eye movement (REM) stages of sleep, when brain activity increases and is not as deep.… Read more »
Setting Boundaries through Cancer and Beyond
- By Shay Moraga
- July/August 2023
Going through cancer is such a personal and intimate choice for everyone, especially how you share your journey with others. Maybe you choose to keep it close to your heart until you can process and express your feelings, thoughts and even fears. After all, you must still live the day-to-day life of family, friends and… Read more »
The Importance of a Good Cry
- By Amy Austin, PSYD, LMFT
- July/August 2023
I don’t know about you, but I can cry watching a cute TikTok clip. But if people are around, I’ve noticed that I try to keep my emotions in check. Why do I hold back? Why not experience the agony and the ecstasy of shedding tears and having a good old-fashioned ugly-faced cry? With a… Read more »
Work-related Pain and Injuries
- By Luke Gentry, DPT, OCS
- July/August 2023
In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, many of us spend long hours at computers, often sacrificing our well-being for the demands of our jobs. However, neglecting our physical health can have serious consequences, leading to discomfort, pain and injury. Cervicogenic headaches, neck pain, thoracic pain, low back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome are common work-related injuries… Read more »
We Are All Ironmen
- By Students Kaela Martin (10th), Ifra Iyoob (10th), Yejin Jung (10th), Katherine Justo (10th) (ft. Mr. Paiz)
- May/June 2023
On December 4, 2022, 54 volunteers from the illustrious Palm Desert Health Academy, under the leadership of the wonderful Mr. Ron Paiz, participated in the local Indian Wells/La Quinta Ironman Triathlon. The Ironman Triathlon is a 70.3-mile course that includes a 1.2-mile swim in Lake Cahuilla; a 56-mile bike ride through La Quinta, Thermal and… Read more »
Young Survivors: Life After Cancer
- By Shay Moraga
- May/June 2023
You are cancer free! After chemo, radiation and multiple surgeries you are relieved to be done. Your family and friends are happy to celebrate your return to a normal life. But is that always the case? While weekly doctor appointments, checkups and blood draws are behind you, it can take a while to re-adjust from… Read more »
Hospital Staff and Community Benefit from Eisenhower’s Simulation Lab
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- May/June 2023
It is hard to imagine the breadth of scenarios medical staff face each day they come to work. To be confidently trained for as many of those scenarios as possible is the goal of Eisenhower Health’s new simulation lab, the John Stauffer Center for Innovation in Learning. With generous funding from the John Stauffer Charitable… Read more »
Team Approach to Lifestyle Medicine
- By Katie Hill, MD
- May/June 2023
Did you know that 80% of chronic disease is preventable and curable with lifestyle change?1 How stressed or depressed you are, how you eat, how you sleep, how you move and if you smoke or drink alcohol are the lifestyle choices that can cause heart disease, diabetes or hypertension. Sound depressing? The flip side is… Read more »
Oral Cancer Screening
- By Sarah A. Khoshniyati, DDS
- May/June 2023
Just as an annual medical checkup is essential to ensure the body is healthy, a regular oral checkup is crucial to maintaining a healthy mouth and detecting any abnormalities. Regular screenings by your dentist should include an oral cancer screening which aims to discover cancer or precancerous signs early enough to be treated successfully. Oral… Read more »
After 10 years of service as JFK Memorial Hospital’s (JFK) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Gary Honts recently retired. The significant progress he made in his tenure will continue under the new leadership of Karen Faulis, CEO of Hi-Desert Medical Center (HDMC), who has expanded her role to include JFK. Desert Regional Medical Center, JFK and… Read more »
La Quinta High School (LQHS) Medical Health Academy is now giving their students an opportunity to support and encourage one another by becoming LQHS Peer Helpers. The emotional toll from the pandemic has brought to light the importance of self-care and positive coping skills within all age groups. Since then, Stacey Bolanos, a Medical Health… Read more »
Taking a Bite Out of Stress
- By Sarah Koshniyati, DDS
- March/April 2023
Do you find yourself grinding or clenching your teeth during the day or waking up in the morning with jaw pain? These can be signs that you may have bruxism, which is defined as a movement disorder that involves parafunctional habits of grinding or clenching of teeth. There are two different categories of bruxism: diurnal,… Read more »
Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer
- By John Feller, MD
- March/April 2023
Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in men with prostate cancer? Yes, you read that right. With traditional prostate cancer screening, a series of tests looks only for evidence of prostate cancer. Those tests either find cancer or they don’t. This outdated, simplistic approach doesn’t assess other potential health… Read more »
Why Can’t You Just Get Over It?
- By Amy Austin PSYD, LMFT
- March/April 2023
We all have a backstory; experiences that make us who we are today including the good, bad and ugly. However, there are many who keep their innermost secrets of emotional/sexual grief, loss and traumas silent, deeply hidden somewhere in the darkness only to pop up when triggering events occur. Even then, without conscious awareness, past… Read more »