Surgery vs. Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures

Twenty years ago, non-invasive options for cosmetic improvement were few and were crude compared with what is available today. Collagen and silicone injections were the only options for fillers, and chemical peels were the solitary choice for skin resurfacing. The collagen of yesterday was effective for a very short time compared with today’s options, and… Read more »

Training Female Athletes to be Strong and Stable

All females interested in, or currently participating in, workout programs need to consider themselves athletes. Having the ability to lift, push or pull weight under many different circumstances takes some skill. Some might not possess the ability to get into competitions or other endeavors, but you are still working out like an athlete. The type… Read more »

Coping with Financial Stress During the Holidays

We hope that holidays will be joyous occasions—a blend of spiritual joy and lively times with family and friends. No one intends to be Ebenezer Scrooge. “Bah Humbug!” However, the holiday season can create many stressors. In addition to your daily responsibilities, there is gift purchasing, parties, baking, decorating, and the list goes on until… Read more »

Living Wellness with Jennifer

Living Wellness

Travel and summer adventures are memories that linger with us the remainder of the year. I recently read that travel positively impacts the brain’s plasticity; when on an adventure away from home, we expand our brain’s capability, adaptability and flexibility. My biggest life lesson this summer was a visit to Croatia. There are over a… Read more »

Choosing the One

How often do you think about finding “The One?” Or, if you are in a relationship with someone, questioning whether another more appropriate could be on the horizon? Whatever situation in which you find yourself, the quest for love is an intrinsic and innate part of our lives. Many people decide on a love quickly… Read more »

Vision for Retirement

You can make the difficult transition into retirement easier by exploring your expectations and desires. With some careful prioritizing, you can design a working plan for retirement that may surpass all your expectations. When most people think of retirement, they imagine leaving a job they’re tired of, getting out of the rat race, and leaving… Read more »

Addressing Loss Through Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy generally focuses on change and growth. Why then, would senior adults seek treatment at this stage of their lives? Surely they have experienced decades of growth and change. Have not these unique dimensions of their lives been completed by now? As a psychologist, I am always impressed when seniors quest new learning. Learning is… Read more »

For Optimum Results, Have a Plan

When I go to the gym for a workout, I always have a plan or a specific goal for that day. As I wander around during rest periods, I can’t help but notice how most people aimlessly go about their workouts. They jump from machine to machine, not paying attention to whether the machine is… Read more »