Living Wellness with Jennifer DiFrancesco

True Expressions of Grit

Almost daily, we witness ‘stick-to-itiveness’ and perseverance expressed as “true grit.” Personally, I am attracted to the word “grit” which suggests to me courage, resolve, firmness of character, and an indomitable spirit. These are all lofty personality traits to pursue. The elusive mystery resides in how we achieve the qualities of this simple, yet weighty,… Read more »

Dis-Ability Health

If you don’t have a disability (or at least won’t admit to having one) or you don’t work in the disability industry, it is unlikely this is a topic of conversation you are likely to have over coffee and a croissant. But it is a discussion to be held across our valley if we are… Read more »

Donating a Kidney

I don’t know when I finally awoke and decided, “OK, enough thinking about it, it’s time to act.” A kidney transplant was a big personal commitment and would create the chance to make a huge difference. Patients that are candidates for kidney transplantation have already used up all their options and the end of the… Read more »


Are you a “stuff-aholic”? Many people collect stuff. Some even pay for storage units to house their extra stuff. Answer this honestly…when you walk into your home, is there a sense of overwhelm and frustration as you see piles of clutter from papers, magazines, clothes, gadgets and dishes? Don’t feel badly if this describes you.… Read more »

Write For You

The desire to write can emerge in any phase of life, and it deepens as the years advance. As the decision to write is made and the process evolves, memories become a catharsis of remembrance and feelings. The experience is wonderful and expanding. Writing is a powerful tool for self-discovery and for learning in general.… Read more »