A Life Dedicated to Helping Others

In the 1980s, Jo Rosen’s mother and then fiancé were both diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. As the primary caregiver, Rosen struggled to find answers and resources, so, in an effort to help herself and others, she started Parkinson’s Resource Organization (PRO). Today, the non-profit assists over 80,000 people with the disease, in addition to their… Read more »

The Successes of Sages and Seekers

California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) Palm Desert Campus is implementing an important class that teaches things not learned in books: intergenerational communication. The national program, called Sages and Seekers, brings seniors (sages) and students (seekers) together for one-on-one interaction, group discussions and collaborative activities in a structured and supportive environment. The eight-week pilot program,… Read more »

CV High Honored as one ofAmerica’s Healthiest Schools

Coachella Valley High School (CVHS) recently received the distinct honor as one of America’s Healthiest Schools, a recognition awarded to only 781 schools nationwide for the 2022-2023 academic year.  Presented by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, the distinction celebrates the key role schools play in advancing the health and well-being of students, staff, families… Read more »


At Cathedral City High School, students in the Health and Environmental Health Academy of Learning (HEAL) are taking part in a course that prepares them to be ready and helpful when their community faces disasters. This course is called Community Emergency Response Teams or CERT. In CERT, students cover seven units: During this course firefighters… Read more »

Our Local Mushroom Farm

Gourmet mushrooms are certainly enjoying their glory days. These superfood superstars are showing up everywhere, from our coffee to the main course, as consumers and chefs realize their nutritional value, adaptability, texture and taste. Growers across the country are jumping on the shroom boom bringing the Pennsylvania natives to boutique farms in city and suburbs… Read more »

Prescribing Vegetables

Many health practitioners find themselves excited by something relatively simple these days – vegetables. For decades, we’ve been told that a prescription is the easiest and fastest way to control a medical condition. But, every day it seems another study is released that supports using food and lifestyle as a treatment for many of the… Read more »

Trending Towards the Greater Good

A shift is taking place in the choices we make about food. For generations, we’ve been influenced by taste, traditions and often our waistlines, prioritizing appearance, pleasure and personal satisfaction. But according to international advertising agency TBWA’s new Future of Food report, growing trends are putting people and our planet first. The fascinating compilation was… Read more »