I am writing yet another weight loss article, not because I want to tell you about the latest diet trends, but actually to illuminate the opposite perspective. I want to explain why your diet isn’t working. This article is intended to help you understand why – despite your dedication, perseverance, and sweat – those pounds… Read more »
Modified Citrus Pectin
- By Sonja Fung, ND
- March/April 2014
How does cancer spread? All of our cells have a life cycle: a beginning and an end. Inflammation from factors like stress, toxins, viruses and bacteria can cause mutations in normal cell DNA and disrupt the cell’s programmed death (called apoptosis). Without their programmed end, this radical cell can continue to grow, forming cancer. Once… Read more »
One Size Does Not Fit All
- By Shannon Sinsheimer, ND
- March/April 2014
Weight management is an ongoing health concern for most Americans today. Losing extra weight or keeping weight off is challenging and can be a constant source of frustration. Today, there are many programs that claim to aid in weight loss and weight maintenance, but not all of them are safe or effective. Listed below are… Read more »
Navigating the Grocery Store
- A Desert Health Review
- January/February 2014
The New Year is here and once again, you’ve made that old familiar resolution: “This year, I am going to eat healthier!” So you head to the grocery store with your list of good intentions in hand, yet it isn’t long before confusion sets in. It’s not surprising as this cavernous room is filled with… Read more »
Life After Cancer: Nourishing Your Health
- By Sonja Fung, ND
- November/December 2013
“What do I do to keep cancer from coming back?” “What do I eat/not eat?” “How do I live a cancer free lifestyle?” These are questions I hear from my patients every day. The answer is simple. The foods you should avoid in preventing cancer are the same ones you should avoid with post-cancer care.… Read more »
Is Soy Healthy?
- By Jill Coleman, RN
- September/October 2013
As a natural product grown from the earth, the soybean and soy products have been heavily marketed as healthy, high protein alternatives. While there are several benefits from fermented soy products like tempeh, natto, and miso, approximately 95% of the soy products found in the US today like tofu, soy meat products and soymilk, are… Read more »
Why Eat Raw Foods?
- By Kelli Rose
- September/October 2013
Everyone knows it’s healthy to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily. But did you know that when you prepare fruits, vegetables, and other natural ingredients without cooking or processing, you preserve the maximum nutrition in these foods? This is the concept of consuming “raw foods”; simply put, eating natural food that is unprocessed, unrefined, and… Read more »
The Beauty of the Golden Spice
- By Dipika Patel
- September/October 2013
When I say turmeric what comes to mind? Is it ‘one of the main ingredients in Indian Curry Powder’? Yes, turmeric has been known for its culinary uses in Indian for centuries; however, did you know that it has also been used as an effective beauty product for just as long? Because of its many… Read more »
Fighting Free Radicals with Anti-oxidants
- By Jennifer Hui, MD, FACS and Christopher R. Hancock, MD
- March/April 2013
We all want to look and feel our best. More and more, people are striving to eat a balanced healthy diet, exercise and avoid environmental exposures. And every day our bodies are subjected to a variety of insults–UV radiation and exposure to a variety of toxins which contribute to the formation of free radicals in… Read more »
Ginseng is one of the most renowned of all herbs. There are several varieties of ginseng, and most common are the eleven species of Panax ginseng. The word panax means “all heal” in Greek, (think of panacea) and ginseng was so called because of its healing properties. In Chinese, the herb is called ren shen–literally… Read more »
If sugar is your vice, this time of year is sure to gratify your sweet tooth. October kicks off the season with three little words (“trick or treat”) delivering delightful gobs of goodies. November perpetuates the trend with pumpkin pie and candied yams. And all of this leads up to the grand celebratory month of… Read more »
It is wonderful to see our government actively promoting the importance of eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. In March 2007, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) launched the “Fruits & Veggies—More Matters” campaign promoting the benefits of fruits and vegetables in a way that will sustain consumers’ eating behavior in the long… Read more »
Cabbage, kale, collards, radishes…Each of these vegetables is packed with a host of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, plus the natural disease-fighting compound called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane reduces inflammation, fights unhealthy bacteria and protects against carcinogenic toxins…and it only takes a few servings a month to realize the benefit. It is recommended in the prevention and… Read more »
Patients often ask my advice on a basic, sound nutrition and supplementation regiment. Recommending a general rule of thumb for everyone can be difficult, but a discussion with one of my mentors, Dr. Alex Vasquez, DO, ND, DC, an expert in nutrition, introduced me to a five-part nutritional wellness protocol that can be utilized by… Read more »
Incorporating specific foods into your lifestyle has beneficial health properties. They also may enhance your skincare regimen. Ever wonder why the beauty products you use aren’t working? You may need to refocus on the foods you eat to keep your skin looking healthy and young. Berry Healthy (Vaccinium Macrocarpon–Cranberry) Cranberries are packed with antioxidants–perfect for… Read more »
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the US. Growing scientific evidence supports plant-based, or vegan, diets in halting and even reversing cardiovascular disease. There is also increasing interest among the public about the purported health benefits of vegan diets, in part due to many celebrities who have publicly gone vegan. With… Read more »
A connection between back pain and diet isn’t immediately obvious. But an aching back led Dr. Hessam Mahdavi, MD, DC, to develop a food lifestyle to fight inflammation. Mahdavi’s back problems began in 2002. As his pain worsened, he tried ibuprofen, exercise and spinal manipulation, but none provided more than short-term relief. As a physician,… Read more »
The science of Chinese nutrition dates back some 6000 years and is based on the idea that the healing properties of foods can correct disharmonies within the body and promote health. These properties are: temperature (hot/cold/warm); taste (sweet, sour, bitter, salty, pungent or bland); drying or lubricating; and the energetic action as a result of… Read more »
The American diet is filled with calorie-rich and nutrient-poor foods. No wonder there is an epidemic of childhood obesity, ADD/ADHD, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. People are overweight yet nutritionally starving! So what can we do about this crisis? The answer starts with your fork! When talking about nutrition with my patients, I always tell… Read more »
March is National Nutrition Month and the theme this year is “Revamp Your Plate.” The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is encouraging Americans to follow the guidelines set forth by the USDA’s new MyPlate graphic that illustrates half your plate should be fruits and vegetables, one fourth lean protein and one fourth whole grains. MyPlate… Read more »
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