Hypnosis for Cancer Care

Cancer patients and survivors often experience significant problems with pain, fatigue, sleep, stress, anxiety, trauma and grief associated both with the cancer diagnosis and side effects of treatments. Hypnosis can be powerfully effective for the physical, mental and emotional fallout that comes with the disease – and after, when life is often profoundly different. Cancer… Read more »

The Cancer and Food Connection

Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, an oncology fellow at the time, wrote a detailed biography of cancer in his 2010 book Emperor of All Maladies. In it he reports that early in human history, cancer was a very rare disease. As we all know, cancer has become increasingly common, especially since the industrial revolution. This increase cannot… Read more »

Colon Cancer: Prevention is Key

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. behind lung cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), the lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is about 1 in 22 (4.49%) for men and 1 in 24 (4.15%) for women.  And while colorectal cancer rates have dropped overall, the numbers… Read more »

New Year’s Resolutions:

There’s no denying it—having cancer (or any other life-threatening disease) definitely changes the way one looks at the future. So it’s only natural that, after a diagnosis of cancer, the nature of patients’ New Year’s resolutions changes as well. I can say that from my own experience (diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2016, treated… Read more »

Holistic Cancer Therapies

Cancerous tumors, due to their fast metabolism, exist best in a ‘low oxygen’ environment. While chemotherapy is, by nature, dominantly an oxidative process, there are non-toxic oxidative therapies available in out-patient environments that are proving to be effective as a complement to chemotherapy and radiation or as stand-alone holistic treatment options. Both hyperbaric oxygen therapy… Read more »

I Have Cancer…

Shay Moraga is a triple negative breast cancer survivor and shares her journey with Desert Health® readers in an ongoing column… I HAVE CANCER… Those are the dreaded words you never want to hear from a family member or friend. The person telling you those words is more than likely completely overwhelmed and in shock.… Read more »

Shay’s Story: Yoga

Shay Moraga was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at the beginning of 2016 and shares her journey with Desert Health® readers in an ongoing column… If a cancer diagnosis has changed your life like it has mine, then you have been immediately thrown into the world of doctors, treatments, surgeries, fears, and overwhelming opinions… Read more »

Raising the Awareness of Oral Cancer

About 50,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. It is one of the most dangerous cancers, and its prevalence is increasing while awareness is low. Current five-year survival rates are only slightly better than 50%. This rate is mainly due to the fact that oral cancers are often discovered at a late… Read more »

I am a lung cancer survivor

In 1986, I was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer. My medical treatment included removal of my lower left lobe followed by 35 radiation treatments. My road to recovery was long and difficult. At the time, there was little information out there for patients like me – no Internet to research and… Read more »

Precision Cancer Treatment

Last October, Desert Regional introduced TrueBeam, the latest technology for radiation therapy which aims to reduce treatment time and the effect on surrounding tissues. We spoke with Comprehensive Cancer Center Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Amir Lavaf, to learn more and see how this new technology is changing the way they treat cancer. Dessert Health: Is TrueBeam… Read more »