Neck Pain: Common Causes and Treatments

Neck pain is a frequently encountered problem in society.  It is associated with a significant decrease in quality of life and a significant increase in time off work, which is associated with a decrease in national economic productivity.  Patients typically present to either their primary care doctor or the emergency room with complaints of moderate-to-severe… Read more »

“Doc, I Need a Cortisone Shot”

Dr. Jones, a busy local surgeon, presented with a six-week history of knee pain, which was not improved with aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication. A knee MRI showed moderate to severe osteoarthritis without a definitive surgical indication. Dr. Jones was offered an image-guided cortisone injection directly into the knee joint, and 48 hours after the… Read more »

Advances in Pain Management

Pain is a universal experience of the human condition. It has a protective function to notify us of damage occurring to the body so we may make changes and avoid further injury. In many cases, pain may continue beyond the usual tissue healing time and become a prolonged excruciating life-altering problem. We are in the… Read more »

A Second Look at Pain

Everyone experiences acute or short term pain during their life. 80% of the U.S. population experiences low- to mid-back pain while others experience persistent pain without relief. Why do some patients with acute pain overcome their pain while other patients develop long-term, debilitating pain? The answer lies in how the pain is perceived by the… Read more »

Whole Body Cryotherapy for Athletic Performance

Everyone knows that icing injuries can be very beneficial. Fortunately, technology has advanced and the days of submerging into a tub full of chilling ice water have given way a simpler, more comfortable and more effective method, nitrogen driven whole body cryotherapy (Cryo). Medical doctors initially praised the benefits of Cryo on arthritis and inflammatory… Read more »

Focusing on Fasciae for Chronic Pain Relief

Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body. An integral part of the musculoskeletal system, fascia forms a whole-body, continuous, 3D matrix of structural support that also penetrates and surrounds all of the body’s vital organs, providing an ongoing physiological support for the body’s metabolically active systems.… Read more »

Kinesiotape™: A Cutting Edge Modality for Treating Injuries

If you were watching the 2012 Summer Olympics, you saw many athletes walking around with colorful tape applied to various parts of their bodies. Many were experiencing aches and pains, while others just needed a little protective security for muscular support. This trendy looking modality is called Kinesiotape™. In 1973, Dr. Kenzo Kase, a well-known… Read more »

TCM and Acupuncture for Headache Pain

More than 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches or migraines with the pain impacting every aspect of their lives. Relief is commonly found in prescription and over-the-counter drugs which can unfortunately have long-term side effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture have successfully treated headaches and migraines (as well as their underlying causes) for… Read more »