Health is a Choice: Patti Wright

Health is a Choice: Patti Wright

When you have your health, anything is possible. When you don’t, nothing else matters. This is the message at the bottom of Patti Wright’s emails. And she certainly embodies this sentiment. Patti was a successful professional who raised a son on her own and enjoyed good health. But in her 40’s, things starting going wrong.… Read more »

Health is a Choice

Health is a Choice

BASEBALL AND BEER. For a large portion of his life, Palm Springs native Trent Hauswirth cherished these favorite American past times. He was a high school jock who excelled at baseball. He was drafted out of high school and played minor league ball with the Kansas City Royals for three years. Trent, 39, always considered… Read more »

One of the Lucky Ones

La Quinta resident and Contemporary American painter Tom Savage, 58, has been making and selling art most of his life. Savage’s mixed media paintings are a dialogue between drawing and painting reminiscent of European Automatism, Surrealism and Abstract Expression. His work is about the poetic qualities of abstraction. Savage was also a recipient of the… Read more »

Plan Now for a Long Life

Even in retirement, your portfolio may need to be positioned for both growth and security: growth to meet the challenges of a long life and the impact of long-term inflation and health care, and sources of secure income to ensure that your daily essential living expenses will be met. This is a good time to… Read more »

Discovering Your Genius

At some point in life, every person wonders what it would be like to be a genius–to have an intellectual capacity beyond compare. When we say “genius,” the great cultural icon for towering intellect, Albert Einstein, comes to mind. Did you know that Einstein, whose e=mc2 changed the way we think about the workings of… Read more »

Health is a Choice

Health is a Choice: Bronwyn Ison

After reading Desert Health[sup]®[/sup]’s October feature on breathing, I expressed my appreciation for this newsworthy editorial, and was asked to share my life-changing struggle with Valley Fever (VF). VF is a debilitating lung disease which is challenging to diagnose as its symptoms mirror those of other conditions. Everyday we use our life force to keep… Read more »