A number of incidents in my life recently converged, causing me to examine stages of life, quality of each transition, and my preoccupation with aging. This awareness began after listening to Craig Marshall, a magnetic life coach, deliver a talk entitled ‘Don’t Retire, Just Rewire.’ At 23 years of age, Craig became a yoga monk with… Read more »

Travel and summer adventures are memories that linger with us the remainder of the year. I recently read that travel positively impacts the brain’s plasticity; when on an adventure away from home, we expand our brain’s capability, adaptability and flexibility. My biggest life lesson this summer was a visit to Croatia. There are over a… Read more »
What did you do this summer to recharge your batteries? Hopefully you got away from the heat, spent time with friends and family, and simply checked out for a while. No matter how full your plate may seem, taking time away from the everyday is an important choice for good health. However, health care practitioners… Read more »
Almost daily, we witness ‘stick-to-itiveness’ and perseverance expressed as “true grit.” Personally, I am attracted to the word “grit” which suggests to me courage, resolve, firmness of character, and an indomitable spirit. These are all lofty personality traits to pursue. The elusive mystery resides in how we achieve the qualities of this simple, yet weighty,… Read more »
What a wonderful year this has been so far! We are lucky to live in this incredible community with so many opportunities to grow and learn, and with such a focus on living – and being – well. Did you attend the Eisenhower Wellness Speaker Series lectures by Dr. Davis or Still Alice author Lisa… Read more »
Working in the spa and fitness industry has definite benefits. It is an environment that allows one to feel inspired by individuals focused on health, wellness and personal motivation. I am constantly feeding off the energy of four personal trainers and other health professionals at Toscana Country Club where I work. It is with motivation… Read more »
Something swept over me recently. Suddenly I felt a compulsion to step away from Facebook and the avenue of social networking. I realized that I was habitually checking Facebook every morning and evening. Conservatively, this equated to 10 minutes per day or 56 hours a year posting my life, prying into other’s lives, and vacillating… Read more »
This summer I had the opportunity to travel to France for the first time. When asked what the most impressionable aspect of my trip was I always mentioned the food, or what I like to call “haute cuisine.” Food in France is taken seriously. The way the French eat reflects their heritage, and most foods… Read more »
Creating a Desert Wellness Staycation Many of us take an exotic trip or adventure in the summer, only to return more exhausted than when we left, due to the stress and myriad of surprises that go along with out-of-town travel. Limited time and money, or merely the wish to simplify, might be reasons to stay… Read more »
Living in the Coachella Valley, we can be remiss in witnessing the pronounced entry and exit of the four seasons. Yet, the dramatic shift into summer is one we all experience. While the desert landscape transitions, plants and wildflowers lose their color and become dormant. The desert floor dries up and the sun emerges at… Read more »
When setting wellness goals, a simple starting point is often overlooked which greatly impacts our wellness potential: A place of happiness. I recently read Shawn Achor’s Before Happiness and learned that 98 percent of our thoughts are the same thoughts we had yesterday, and 80 percent are potentially negative. We have an innate tendency to… Read more »
An important factor of good health is allocating the time and freedom to create. It doesn’t matter how good or impressive the end result may be; allowing yourself the time, and enjoying the experience, is what matters. However, a large majority of us forego creative activities because we feel we are not “artistically inclined.” Experiences… Read more »
The word connoisseur comes from the 18th Century when the word was used for a person who had a great deal of knowledge about gastronomy, art or any other discipline that pleased the senses. Today, the word connoisseur sometimes comes across with an air of pretension, yet when it comes to our own personal health,… Read more »
As I look at three generations in my family–my mother, myself and my daughter–I find that proper nutrition and exercise are woven into the fabric of our family. My focus on fitness, contemplative practices such as meditation and yoga, and conscious eating are practices handed down from my mother, which I am now imparting to… Read more »
Each day I look at our beautiful San Jacinto Mountains and feel an emotional response. I feel awe, appreciation, and personal gratitude for my annual honor of climbing to the top of this grand mountain. It is noteworthy that this hike – to the tram from the base of the mountain (near the Palm Springs… Read more »
We are fortunate to live in a climate where spring’s arrival brings full bloom to our desert. With temperatures getting warmer, we smell the sweet and citrusy aroma of orange blossoms wafting in the air. When this aroma hits our olfactory system, it is sure to be pleasant. Orange blossom aroma also has proven health… Read more »
How was your Valentine’s Day? Did you and your partner make it a special day? Why is it that we need a designated day to celebrate our love for one another? The tradition is not a new one although much of the meaning has changed. In early Roman times, the month of February was dedicated… Read more »
Simply Meditate
- Jennifer DiFrancesco, Living Wellness
- January/February 2013
Sometimes the simplest task is the hardest. In the case of meditation this is true for many. Meditation is simply defined as the ‘cessation of fluctuations of the mind.’ There is enough statistical research supporting this, and we should all be taking time in our day to have uninterrupted quiet time focusing on the breath… Read more »
The first official day of spring is March 20th. It marks a time to welcome the beautiful hues and heady aromas nature provides. Morning Glories, Lilacs, Pansies and Lavender open their blooms and thrive. The benefits of Lavender are that it adds beauty to a table in the form of a fresh or dried bouquet,… Read more »
Many of us know ginger from the dollop of pinkish shaved root plant on our sushi tray sitting next to the wasabi. This root plant has a hint of lemon and a hint of pepper taste with an aroma that heightens the senses. The stem of the ginger plant has been used for centuries. Ginger… Read more »