Sciatica: Causes and Treatments

The painful and irritating condition we commonly call “sciatica” is also known as sciatic neuritis, sciatic neuralgia, or lumbar radiculopathy. It involves one of five spinal nerve roots of the sciatic nerve which is the longest and widest single nerve in the body.  It begins in the lumbar spine (lower back) from the spinal nerves… Read more »

certified organic ingredients

Why Not Organic?

Lately I’ve noticed people turning up their nose at organic products and foods. Some seem downright annoyed. I overheard a woman at the drugstore plainly tell the clerk who was attempting to share the benefits of their new organic sunscreen, “I don’t need organic; I’m over it!” I found that incredibly interesting and had to… Read more »

What is TCM?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can resolve many health issues. Reflecting Chinese insight and ingenuity, it has been used effectively and without harmful side effects for thousands of years to cure ailments, support healing, increase energy and promote general well- being. TCM is based on the concept of Qi (pronounced ‘chea’), which literally means “breath” or… Read more »

Is Being Organized Healthy?

People often ask me how I can teach them to be organized. You can learn to be organized, but to a great extent, you have to want to make changes in how you think about your life in an organized manner. Organizational changes don’t happen overnight, but it is possible to create systems that work… Read more »

Healthy Muscle Mass Key to Long-Term Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the most recommended lifestyle changes to improve health.  When losing weight, most people hope to simply shed fat; however, most will lose weight by decreasing both fat and muscle mass, which is not always good. The manner in which one loses weight is critical for long-term health, and research now… Read more »

Cutting Edge Technologies and the Mind: ‘Well Use the Moment’

Last month’s discussion of meditation began with ‘Simply Pause’… Now, I suggest again, Simply Pause but also…Well Use the Moment. As we Simply Pause, it becomes apparent that more information is always at hand than we can possibly take into account. As we pause, it becomes possible to milk the moment for all it’s worth… Read more »

The Science Behind Chiropractic

In this modern “hi tech” world, chiropractic is decidedly “low-tech” in nature. Based on manual manipulations and founded over 100 years ago, studies to support its effectiveness have been slow to surface. Fortunately, numerous scientific studies over the past 25 years have established chiropractic to be an evidence-based modality. These studies have found the practice… Read more »

We ARE Making a Difference

In our November/December 2012 issue, we wrote about Jayne Robertson and her commitment to contribute to a worthwhile cause. Her journey began over a year ago when she undertook the Global Seva Challenge, a fundraising effort as part of Off The Mat, Into The World (OTM), a yoga based non-profit in San Francisco. Each year,… Read more »

Achieving Healthy Cholesterol Naturally

Today many are concerned about high cholesterol numbers. However, cholesterol is necessary for brain function, hormone production, mineral assimilation, bone function, metabolism, energy production and a healthy immune system. It is the building block of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Every cell membrane is made up of cholesterol (and saturated fats) which… Read more »

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a complementary health practice that uses universal energy to enhance the body’s own ability to heal itself. The use of universal life energy as a healing force has been practiced throughout the world for centuries and is referred to as Qi in China, Prana in India and Ki in Japan. Reiki practitioners believe… Read more »

From A Small Seed: Finding Your Inner Voice

Something happens…you lose your job, you’re forced to move, someone dear to you is ill. All of the plans you’ve made in the past suddenly seem pointless and you feel as if you’ve lost your direction. Five years ago, feeling stuck and missing a certain passion in my life, I too questioned myself. “Who am… Read more »

New Science Opens Window to Our Minds

A current buzzword for mind is ‘consciousness.’ Did you know you can now go to college and major in Consciousness Studies? You are in good company in the Department of Consciousness Studies where you will find spiritual healers, psychologists, linguists, cognitive scientists and quantum physicists – all working together to better understand your mind as… Read more »