Planting Seeds of Health in Valley Youth

Thanks to the Clinton Foundation’s Alliance for a Healthier Generation, 80 Coachella Valley schools representing all three districts now have wellness programs. Palm Springs Unified was the first district to create a Wellness Committee three years ago.  The Coachella Valley District has incorporated a Wellness Policy developed and run by students and their families. Desert… Read more »

Officers Reach Out to Their Own

Law enforcement officers (LEO) encounter stressful situations on a daily basis which can affect both their physical and mental health. Their life expectancy is ten years below the national average at 66, and many are forced to leave the field for medical reasons. Even worse, studies show that the rate of suicide for our men… Read more »

How Will You Use HARC?

The Health Assessment Resource Center (HARC) recently released their 2013 report on the health of our community. Not only is the information fascinating and easy to digest, it is also the comprehensive data many organizations use to secure grant funding and status. The survey results, which are available to everyone, have brought $7.1 million to… Read more »

TCM and Acupuncture for Headache Pain

More than 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches or migraines with the pain impacting every aspect of their lives. Relief is commonly found in prescription and over-the-counter drugs which can unfortunately have long-term side effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture have successfully treated headaches and migraines (as well as their underlying causes) for… Read more »

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Home truly is where the heart is.  That’s why it’s so important that your home is nurturing, supportive, safe, and makes you feel like you’re getting a big hug when you walk through the door. No matter what’s going on in the outside world, once you step inside, you should be completely relaxed and able… Read more »

Poses on Paseo to Raise Funds for CVVIM

Some of the Valley’s most recognized instructors are coming together for a day of yoga, music, healthy food and community gathering – all to raise funds and awareness for Coachella Valley’s Volunteers in Medicine (CVVIM). Poses on Paseo will take place March 2 from 7am-11am at The Gardens on El Paseo second floor parking deck… Read more »

The Many Wonders of Dang Gui

Dang Gui, sometimes spelled Dong Gui or Dong Quai, is Chinese angelica root. It is a perennial plant found along ravine streams, marshy meadows, river banks and sea coasts. Long used in traditional Asian herbal remedies, Dang Gui root is among the most important of the Chinese blood tonics. It has a strong but pleasant… Read more »

Living Life with Gratitude

The holidays are here. Time to gather with friends and family to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. But shouldn’t every day be thanks-giving? Science says yes, because gratitude is the secret to good health and happiness. Some of you are smiling as you read this, because you have known this for… Read more »

A Good Day

You think this is just another day in your life. It’s not just another day; it’s the one day that is given to you today. It’s given to you. It’s a gift. It’s the only gift that you have right now, and the only appropriate response is gratefulness. If you do nothing else but to… Read more »

Historic Cancer Prevention Study Needs You

Residents of the Coachella Valley are being presented with an opportunity to participate in an historic study with the potential to change the face of cancer for future generations. Men and women between the ages of 30 and 65 who have never been diagnosed with cancer are needed to participate in the American Cancer Society’s… Read more »

Nutritious Options for All

The Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI) is making significant progress, thanks to the united efforts of numerous Valley organizations and non-profit groups. One of the primary groups within the initiative is the Healthy Eating and Food Quality Workgroup whose goal is to enhance nutritional education and access to healthy food for all members of our… Read more »

How TMC Treats Vertigo

Vertigo, from the Latin word for “a whirling or spinning movement,” is a type of dizziness where one experiences a feeling of motion, usually as if they or the room is spinning. While many of us have had the occasional dizzy spell, vertigo is different with its persistent sense of motion, a feeling of tilting,… Read more »

Do You Yoga?

September is Yoga Awareness Month and we encourage you to give it a try. Although the popularity of yoga is newly on the rise in this country, it is one of the few practices which has sustained for thousands of years on multiple continents throughout the world. So there must be something to it, right?… Read more »