There is No Shame in Struggle

We all go through tough times. It is normal to feel anxious, sad, grief, uncertainty and a host of other feelings within the same month – or even the same day.  Throughout the pandemic, many individuals have struggled with isolation, financial hardship, and simple boredom. To top it off, political strife, human rights violations and… Read more »

Emergency Room or Urgent Care?

On Sunday afternoon, your cold seems worse, you have a headache and are vomiting with a fever.  Do you head to the emergency room (ER), urgent care or call your doctor in the morning?   This dilemma is common and can be costly. In fact, the cost difference can be well over $2,000 in some… Read more »

Still Moving Forward

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a challenge; however, students at the Palm Desert High School Health Academy (PDHA) are trying to make the best of the situation and continue to push forward despite adversity. The pandemic has created many obstacles to how the academy typically runs, but despite these unique circumstances, students are… Read more »

Mental Fasting

We have been hearing a lot about the benefits of intermittent fasting as decreased inflammation and weight loss often accompany eating less or eating in less hours of the day. The main reason this works is because of autophagy (“aa-TAA-fuh-jee”), which is the self-cleaning our body does when we have fasted more than 10 hours.… Read more »

Improve Our World with Random Acts of Kindness

What if kindness were a muscle? How could you strengthen your kindness muscle? Muscles develop through repetitious exercise that is focused and disciplined.  Can you imagine the world if everyone exercised their kindness muscles daily? Our homes would be more joyful, marriages would be thriving, workplaces would be more collaborative and engaging. Even the news… Read more »

You Are Not Your Trauma

Do you find yourself repeating past hurts, habits and hang-ups? Maybe they only show up in some areas of your life, or maybe they are showing up in all areas. Maybe you think that it’s everyone else’s fault, and you did not create the experience you are having. Do you feel down and heavy because… Read more »

The Perils of Paradise

“Just another sunny day in paradise,” my father-in-law would say when we came to the desert to visit. Now a local, I repeat it often. We all love our beautiful valley, but living and playing here takes some awareness and preparation. With March upon us, outdoor activities abound as do the many opportunities to celebrate.… Read more »

Sharing Student Mental Wellness Resources

Online learning during the pandemic fueled the rise in mental illness. As behavioral health students in the Health Academy at Coachella Valley High School, we knew that we were negatively impacted by the pandemic and three out of the four of us felt that our abilities faltered through online learning. A survey conducted at Coachella… Read more »

Brushing Up on Oral Health

Home hygiene is the most important factor in keeping a healthy mouth and, of course, it starts with our toothbrush. There are two main classes of toothbrushes: traditional manual and electric. The vast majority of Americans still use a manual toothbrush. This is not a bad thing, as a good manual toothbrush with soft bristles… Read more »

Is the Pandemic Ending?

Vaccinating the whole world against smallpox was one of the most important scientific achievements of the 20th century. Smallpox is a great example of the success of vaccine-mediated eradication of a deadly virus in humans which required a global initiative that combined high levels of vaccine coverage and active surveillance.1 How viruses spread Transmissibility and… Read more »

Important Tips for Hospital Stays

Hospitals are expected to be a place of healing, leading to wellness and a return home. However, the longer a patient stays in the hospital, the greater the risk for a health care-associated infection (HAI) from a catheter or surgical site, or a health care-acquired condition (HAC) such as a fall with fracture. With an… Read more »

Embracing The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the belief that “like attracts like.” The principle states that if you think positive thoughts, you will have positive results; if you think negative thoughts, you will have negative results. You attract what you think about. An everyday example of the Law of Attraction is when you start thinking about… Read more »

And then we got COVID

Valuable Lessons Learned

Many say it’s not a matter of if you’ll get COVID, but when. And chances are that when you do, you won’t be prepared.  After two years of following the rules, increasing supplements and trimming our social schedule, my husband, Tommy, and I thought we were playing it safe. Then last November, when events returned… Read more »

Managing Home Oxygen Therapy in Patients with Chronic Lung Disease

Prescribing long-term oxygen therapy in patients with chronic lung disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a shared decision-making process between the clinician and patient. This process can encourage patients to accept the American Thoracic Society (ATS) clinical practice guideline recommendation on home oxygen therapy as published by… Read more »

Visitation Dreams Help Us Overcome Grief

“Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.” Eugene Ionesco, Playwright Your dreams are an innate gift. They possess the ability to open the sacred dream doorways to the divine. If you lost someone you care about, the opportunity to see them again in your dreams is comforting. These are called visitation dreams and… Read more »

10 Tips for Achieving Your 2022 Goals

Last January, many of us were relieved, enthusiastic, and ready to embrace new goals. We could see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and we could not wait to emerge triumphant.  Suddenly, a new variant was discovered, and the light dimmed. Last year felt like “Ground Hog Day”- every day seemed the… Read more »