Trying to Hang Ten in a Tidal Wave

The year is 2020 and I’m on an island called Pandemic. The plan was to relax and enjoy the spring while preparing for the summer surf season. As I look out to sea, the series of waves catches my attention. There is a calming element to watching the tide go in and out. Depending on… Read more »

CalSavers is Coming, CalSavers is Coming!

With our nation in a retirement savings crisis, California has joined seven other states in implementing a savings plan for employees: the CalSavers Retirement Savings Program.  It is a state-run retirement plan for all companies that do not offer an employee-sponsored plan such as a 401(k), 403(b), SEP, SIMPLE or Payroll Deduction IRA with automatic… Read more »

Seniors Need a Health Advocate

My 89-year-old friend, we’ll call him Chris, fell and broke his hip and arm. He had only 36 hours before hospital discharge to find a local nursing home to provide physical therapy and nursing care for his recovery. New to the area, neither Chris nor his wife had previously visited any local facilities to learn… Read more »

The Bucket List

Ringing in the New Year always sparks reflection on a new beginning and enthusiastic goals for the year ahead. Whether it be personal growth, must do experiences, or starting a new way of eating, we plan by jotting it down on paper, making a visual board, or telling someone our desires to be held accountable.… Read more »

Allocation Pie

‘Tis the season…to eat pie! With the holidays around the corner, many of us will forego our diets and allow ourselves to enjoy the season baking our favorite desserts to share with family and friends or enjoy the benefits of the enthusiastic chefs in the group.  As a seasonal baker, I reflected on the time… Read more »

Teaching Kids How to Save

How to Talk to Your Kids About The “S” Word…SAVINGS!

It’s back to school time again and excitement is in the air for students and parents. Whether the kids are starting kindergarten, heading off to college, or somewhere in between, for many of us, this means long lists of school supplies, new clothes, new backpacks, and a drained wallet.  Nevertheless, it’s a great time to… Read more »

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My Friend “Charity”

I have a close friend, Charity. I like Charity. She’s one of those friends who always makes you feel good about yourself. Unfortunately, as with most friends, finding time to spend together presents challenges. We are busy with work, family, and other commitments. Sometimes, months go by without ever connecting. Like a true friend, however,… Read more »

Businesses Honored For Workplace Wellness

In June, HARC hosted the 4th Annual Coachella Valley Workplace Wellness Awards recognizing local businesses that prioritize employee health and wellness. The event took place at the Classic Club in Palm Desert and brought together a variety of organizations which recognize that having a healthy workforce is key to a healthy and thriving business. Winners… Read more »

Summiting the Markets

A few years back I took on the challenge to hike and summit Mt. Whitney, the tallest peak in California at 14, 505 feet. For weeks I hiked, ran, and did whatever I thought was necessary to physically prepare for the event–not to mention practicing carrying a 35-pound backpack with all the necessities. In reflecting… Read more »

Vaastu Architecture

In ancient India, thousands of years ago, temples and houses were often constructed using very specific building codes written in texts called Vaastu Shastras. This code was a combination of strict rules governing mathematics, proportion and geometry on how a structure must be built. When a building is designed using these rules it vibrates with… Read more »

The Game of Golf “FORE” Savings

Learning how to play the game of golf can be very challenging. The terminology alone is a hurdle in itself: bogey, eagle, mulligan, shank, fried egg! Seriously, was this originally an initiation into a secret society? Nonetheless, those who play are passionate about the game. Understandably so. You spend a good part of the day… Read more »

Increase Your Networking IQ

Have you ever felt stressed at the thought of attending networking events, conferences and even holiday parties? Understanding networking fundamentals can help ease the discomfort and make you become a better networker. Show Up. As Woody Allen says, “80% of success is showing up” and that certainly applies to networking. Even when it’s raining, show… Read more »

Five Tips for Mindful Medicare Enrollment

Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, also known as Open Enrollment, is a time for Medicare enrollees to review their current insurance and change to a better Medicare plan. With a multitude of Medicare plans available, Annual Enrollment Period may seem more confusing and overwhelming than liberating. Here are my top five tips for selecting the best… Read more »

Creating a Workplace Wellness Program

Desert Oasis Healthcare, two-time winners at HARC’s Workplace Wellness Awards, shared their company’s success with attendees at this year’s event in June. We asked them to also share with Desert Health readers in an effort to inspire other valley businesses to follow suit. Desert Oasis Healthcare (DOHC) serves the residents of the greater Coachella Valley… Read more »

Is a Reverse Mortgage Loan Right for My Mom?

A reader asks: My Mom is in her late seventies and lives on a very limited budget. I would like to see her have a more comfortable retirement and more money now to do the things she loves. She owns her home which I don’t care to inherit. Her concern is that she may need… Read more »

Creating Health in Our Community

This past fall, the United Way was busy encouraging healthy activities among businesses, organizations and individuals across our valley. Three grass roots programs, the 9 Weekly Walks, the Wellable Workplace Wellness Challenge, and the Tram Challenge, brought together thousands and resulted in hundreds of thousands of miles of physical activity, and many charitable items collected.… Read more »