Can You Afford to Die?

No one likes to talk about death. However, it’s an important financial planning topic to consider. We all know we should have a living trust or will in place, yet even with the basics prepared and paid for, there are unexpected scenarios that can significantly set you back both emotionally and financially. Basic preparation. In… Read more »

Retirees Beware

Recently, the New York Times published an article by Tara Siegel Bernard entitled, “How One Man Lost $740,000 to Scammers Targeting His Retirement Savings.” The victim, a retired lawyer, was convinced by scammers that he was part of a government investigation. The scheme involved several individuals posing as investigators, IRS agents and authorities. They convinced… Read more »

Fun in the Sun Without Getting Burned

Planning for a summer vacation?  Here are some financial tips to help keep your budget intact.  It’s always best to plan early; research where you’d like to go, and then start a savings bucket specifically for that vacation. Ideally, big trips should be well thought out a year in advance. This will allow you to… Read more »


As we enter another new year, many look to this opportunity with excitement to start anew; refresh their outlook and create goals or new aspirations of achievement. However, it’s important to reflect on and remember the past as to not make the same mistakes or fall into the same rut after the new year’s excitement… Read more »

Our Future with A.I. and ChatGPT

At a recent business conference, every session talked about ChatGPT and A.I. which made me question, should mankind be concerned? Will procedures and policies be put in place to manage the technology and potential threats?  Recently, AP News reported that a couple of lawyers were fined for using falsely produced case references that ChatGPT had… Read more »

Harvest the Season

Merriam-Webster’s definition of harvest is to gather, remove or extract a crop or living cell. In the world of finance, it’s the season to review your potential tax liability for the current year and harvest unrealized losses to offset any realized gains.  Realized vs. unrealized. A realized gain (or loss) occurs when an asset or… Read more »

hands holding coins and plant

The ABCs of ESGs

History demonstrates socially responsible investing (SRI) has been present since the 1800’s. It began with adversity to companies that manufactured tobacco and alcohol or promoted gambling in an era  known as the Age of Reason.   In 1971, the first socially responsible investing fund was launched by Pax World, a sustainable investment firm, and in… Read more »

The Block Party: The Game of Crypto

When I was a kid, I loved our annual block party; lots of food, fun and games. Some years multiple blocks would participate. One year we had a huge scavenger hunt where each family had a set of clues for the items to collect. The clues were extremely sophisticated, puzzle-type questions that needed to be… Read more »

Freeze the Fraud

Many years ago, I received a $30,000 tax bill from the state. I was a freshman in college and the world wide web had yet to be launched for public use. After several long calls to the state, it was determined that my social security number had been compromised. Fortunately, I was not held responsible… Read more »

Building Foundation

This Old House

As one of the first do-it-yourself (DIY) shows over 40 years ago, “This Old House” focused on home renovations and improvements. Today, there are dozens of DIY shows and dedicated networks to watch renovations and new home construction. One constant in every show, whether a home is being modernized or built from scratch, is that… Read more »