How the Housing Market Impacts Your Retirement

Across the United States, home values have dropped in the last few years. The impact is regional with some markets much less affected than others — some of the worst markets have appeared to have bottomed out; great homes in great neighborhoods are still in demand; new housing starts have been at a record low… Read more »

A Workable Solution for Baby Boomers Near Retirement

Concerned about having enough money saved for retirement? Here’s a simple solution: work just a few years longer. By accumulating more savings and shortening your withdrawal period, you’ll reduce the lump sum needed to generate the necessary income at retirement. In a report titled “Retirement Age and the Need for Saving,” the Congressional Budget Office… Read more »

Plan for Retirement as You Would a Vacation

One of the most frequent questions I hear from clients is: Will I have enough money to stop working and retire? Funding retirement is one of people’s most worrisome financial concerns. Yet most of us spend more time planning a vacation than we do planning for a comfortable retirement. Typical vacation planning starts like this:… Read more »

What Goes Into Your IRA?

Brought to you by: Integrated Wealth Management A surprising number of people ask me questions like, “Which IRA is better?” or “Which IRA pays more?” An IRA–like a 401K or any other retirement account – is just an empty bucket. They are all the same until you deposit your money. So, what are the best… Read more »

Financial Health

Women in the United States today control 75 percent of the total personal wealth, fill more than half the jobs and earn more than half the college degrees. They make up the fastest growing sector of new business owners, the fastest growing sector of the U.S. investor base and, for the first time in history,… Read more »