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The ABCs of ESGs

History demonstrates socially responsible investing (SRI) has been present since the 1800’s. It began with adversity to companies that manufactured tobacco and alcohol or promoted gambling in an era  known as the Age of Reason.   In 1971, the first socially responsible investing fund was launched by Pax World, a sustainable investment firm, and in… Read more »

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Prescription Drug Plan Pricing Explained

Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans can be complicated, but once you understand them, you can make them work in your favor. The two main factors that affect the price of your prescription medications are drug tier and coverage stage. Drug tiers 1-5 are the levels of pricing for medications on a specified formulary.  Each… Read more »

Medicare Terminology Made Simple

Medicare can be very confusing. Plan types, names and acronyms make for a labyrinth of terminology. Here are some simple definitions that may help make sense of Medicare coverage. Traditional Medicare: This is the federal program that includes Medicare Part A and Part B. Most people start here at age 65, unless they have group… Read more »

Freeze the Fraud

Many years ago, I received a $30,000 tax bill from the state. I was a freshman in college and the world wide web had yet to be launched for public use. After several long calls to the state, it was determined that my social security number had been compromised. Fortunately, I was not held responsible… Read more »

Building Foundation

This Old House

As one of the first do-it-yourself (DIY) shows over 40 years ago, “This Old House” focused on home renovations and improvements. Today, there are dozens of DIY shows and dedicated networks to watch renovations and new home construction. One constant in every show, whether a home is being modernized or built from scratch, is that… Read more »

Video is Key to Successful Marketing

Most everyone knows the adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” If that’s the case, then what is a video worth? The value of video, when used in marketing efforts, can be worth a whole lot more, especially to your bottom line.    No matter what business you are in, videos should be a… Read more »

mentoring the future

New Physician Assistant Pipeline Supporting Local Students

What once seemed an impossible dream— Coachella Valley students making their way into medical school— may soon become a regular reality thanks in part to efforts of OneFuture Coachella Valley’s Physician Assistant Pipeline Alignment Team. The team recently launched with leadership from UC Davis, USC, and local physician assistant (PA) professionals to prepare students to… Read more »

Going to the Chapel with PMS

Marriage is an exciting time in one’s life. Planning for a wedding entails a lot of time and effort, regardless of the size of the celebration. Nowadays, there are many layers to consider when contemplating those nuptials. Where will you live? Do you want kids? Are you marrying into an instant family?  Ask yourself if… Read more »

The Parent Trap

Hello, 2021! Boy, are we glad to see you. However, with an unbelievable year behind us, many are still faced with the repercussions of the extraordinary events in 2020; pointedly, the need for families to move in together. Whether you are a recent college graduate or a full household, moving home takes on a whole… Read more »

The Gift of Estate Planning

In researching my book, Leaving Life, I discovered that the lack of proper estate planning is somewhat of an epidemic within the baby-boomer generation. The result of not preparing a proper will or living trust can lead to heirs, partners and children fighting over assets or possessions. Irreparable relationships are often the byproduct of settling… Read more »

1920s and 2020s

A Tale of Two Decades

When looking back at the roaring ‘20s I think of flappers, jazz music and prohibition. However, it was a time of social and political change, defiance and the great stock market crash. Sound familiar?  We’re barely in the first year of a new decade and it’s already lived up to the name of Roaring 20… Read more »

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Staying Safe Financially

These are some crazy times. Many of us are not only feeling the stress physically but also financially. The good news is there is financial help out there. Here are some helpful tips to consider: Paying rent. If you are a renter and have lost your job or cannot work for health reasons, call or… Read more »