Over the past 20 years, our nation has become a computer-driven, sit-on-the-couch society. The urge to text a friend, write on your Facebook page, or play violent video games has become second nature for our children. Most schools across the country have either eliminated physical education classes past the tenth grade or have not made… Read more »
Children’s Health
When 24-year-old Western University dental student Angela Hastings started volunteering at the We Care Dental Center in Rancho Mirage, she thought the experience would help increase her clinical knowledge and dental skills. What she didn’t expect was that it would also help her develop an intense feeling of compassion for developmentally disabled children and adults–a… Read more »
Financial Basics for Your Kids & Grandkids
- By Reesa Manning
- March/April 2013
A very common reason for investors to focus on their portfolios is for the benefit of the next generation. They want to ensure that their children are well taken care of so that they, the investors, don’t have to worry later in life. Taking it another step is teaching your children about investing. You can… Read more »
Just ask the Alberici Sisters, Maria Lauren and Linda Eichberg. They grew up in 1960’s Philadelphia as part of a health-conscious vegetarian family–a choice their parents made for health, not religion. When kids were bringing Wonder bread and bologna sandwiches to school, they had vegetables on sprouted wheat bread that “grossed out” the others. Instead… Read more »
Childhood obesity is reaching epidemic proportions and the statistics are alarming. It can lead to many serious health issues, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. Of greatest concern is that research shows one of every three children in the United States is now considered overweight. Health care professionals are working diligently to educate… Read more »
I have scoliosis, or curvature of the spine. It was discovered at age 12 after several hints. Horse show judges told me to “square your shoulders,” as one dropped lower than the other, and at school, I remember being frustrated that the back of my chair always seemed crooked. I had no idea it was… Read more »
I stopped in for lunch the other day at Souplantation in La Quinta. As I browsed and collected from the ‘55 feet of farm fresh fare,’ I overheard a Mom behind me ask her little girl if she wanted broccoli and then cucumber and then spinach. The answer to each was an enthusiastic “yes.” I… Read more »
Parents and coaches come to me frequently asking, “What is the appropriate age for kids to start lifting weights?” I always answer–when they are mentally, emotionally and physically mature enough, that is when they should start. I’ve had boys and girls as young as 11 years old start to lift weights, and on the other… Read more »
School is out for the summer and children are eager to expend their energy. While there may be many summer programs available in the desert, they may not suit your schedule or may exceed your budget. As a mother of two energetic and gregarious girls, I’ve created an exciting reading program with incentives to keep… Read more »
On May 22nd on the campus of Dr. Carreon Academy, the scenario was a toxic chemical spill. On May 23rd, students and teachers survived a campus bomb threat. These two mock scenarios were the basis of JFK Memorial Hospital’s Pediatric Disaster Drill as part of a Career Explorations Program. Co-sponsored by the hospital, the Dr.… Read more »
Supplemental vitamin-mineral preparations are consumed regularly by about half the US population, although conclusive evidence of benefit is lacking in many instances. One of those in which there is clear indication of benefit is the prevention of a particular type of birth defect (neural tube defect) when pregnant women supplement their diets with a specific… Read more »
It is unlikely that you will ever see a young child bend over to pick up a toy and freeze in pain saying, “Oh no, my back just went out again.” Generally, conditions that will cause such a pain do not appear in children, but it may have started there. Chiropractic care can play an… Read more »
April is National Autism Awareness Month bringing our focus to this serious condition which affects as many as 1 in 1,000 children nationwide1, as well as their family and friends. While there are no known cures, there is a growing treatment for autism that involves delivering more oxygen to the brain. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)… Read more »
We hear time and time again about the frighteningly high rate of child obesity in the United States. And it continues to rise. Research now shows that unless we take serious measures and precautions, our children will the first generation to die younger than their parents.[sup]1[/sup] According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… Read more »
Directors of the Desert Healthcare District approved two grants to the Palm Springs Unified School District (PSUSD) and Cielo Vista Charter School (CVCS) for nutrition and fitness programs designed to encourage parent involvement and spur healthier lifestyles for nearly 3,000 Valley students. The District awarded $803,626 to PSUSD to fund its Nutrition Education and Physical… Read more »
Many young people grow up in the Coachella Valley without experiencing the abundance of nature and healthy fun that the local hills have to offer. Trips for Kids Coachella Valley’s (TFKCV) goals are to identify these kids (ages 10-17), bring them outdoors, and teach lessons in personal responsibility, achievement and environmental awareness through the simple… Read more »
It’s that time of year, when kids are excited to sport their new backpacks, don their school clothes and see their friends after a long summer…it’s back to school! Along with all of these exciting things, is the not-so-exciting prospect of exposure to all new types of “cooties.” We want to share with you the… Read more »
S.A.F.E.™ (Support And Family Education) is a resource program established in 1980 to bring programs, education, coaching and counseling to schools and families. SAFEline addresses family life and relationship issues and the SAFEline column is a compilation of many letters and calls to the SAFEline Coach. DEAR SAFEline COACH, We are new to this area… Read more »
Have you ever wondered which mother actually uses the disinfectant wipes at the grocery store to clean their shopping cart and spreads out the cushy seat cover before placing her little bundle of joy in it? Well, that mother is me. Since giving birth just over a year ago, I am definitely more precautionary against… Read more »
I often hear that kids aren’t living up to their full potential. With all the distractions – video games, internet, TV, smart phones, texting, email, etc. – how do we motivate our children to excel in all they do? In one of his many books, Dr. Wayne Dyer recounts his days as a young boy… Read more »
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