Resolutions: Rewire Your Brain

The New Year is often accompanied by aspirations of self-improvement. For some that means making better nutrition choices and for others that means getting into shape, moving more – fitness. An oft heard expression involves how long these changes might last before we revert back to the same old – what’s familiar and comfortable. Why… Read more »

Homeopathic Remedies for Children this Cold and Flu Season

Homeopathic medicines are excellent natural remedies to keep stocked for cold and flu season. Homeopathy is a safe, effective, and innocuous system of medicine that, in most cases, can be given with little to no interference with other pharmaceutical medications; the large majority can also be given to children of most ages. The following homeopathic… Read more »

Food Shopping

Life was simple in my early childhood. My retired grandparents’ small farm, east of Berlin, was my home in the turbulent years of 1932 to the 1940s. The village was surrounded by verdant farmland, managed forests of deciduous and coniferous trees, and crystal clear lakes teeming with fish. On our small piece of land my… Read more »

The Right to Choose Your Final Act

New legislation became effective in June of this year allowing an individual to choose, when terminally ill, to receive medical aid in dying.  It is known as the End of Life Option Act. This summer, the Cathedral City Senior Center hosted a workshop led by Paul Zak, a retired social worker trained by Compassion and… Read more »

Confidence Is Your Key to Success

Are you holding yourself back because of low confidence? Do you spend a lot of time “in your head” worrying, regretting, putting yourself down, and wishing things were different? Do you stop yourself from taking advantage of opportunities and reaching the success of which you know you are capable? Without confidence, you will never venture… Read more »

Time Flies

You have no doubt noticed that we live in chaotic, yet amazingly potent times. Our style and manner of thinking, acting and responding are undergoing a revolution. At no time in history has mankind experienced so many fundamental changes. A shift is underway as we try to function in a climate where everything is increasing… Read more »

Summer and Senior Care

The average adult human body is made up of 0-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. We need fluid for our systems to properly function; while we must all be alert to our hydration practices, older adults and those living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia need special attention. “Organs pull water from the brain, shrinking it and… Read more »

Preventing Parental Temper Tantrums

What parent hasn’t had moments, days, even years of feeling like they could have parented better? The reality is, they could have parented differently. Most of us have a fantasy bubble that gives us a bird’s eye view of a perfect life, encompassing everything we think we’re not but should be. Let’s face it. Parenting… Read more »

Fiction Tells Real Stories

“So now what do I do?” “Why are they behaving this way?” “Where do I find answers to all the questions I have?” These are outcries I hear from family caregiver/partner clients and audiences regularly. In addition to providing them a general overview and explanation about particulars, I offer my recommended reading list culled from… Read more »

Choosing Home Care

One of most difficult decisions adult children make when caring for aging parents is where to turn for in-home care.  The myriad of choices can be overwhelming.  Essentially, there are three choices: private hire, domestic referral agencies and full service companies.  With a private hire caregiver, the family or older adult becomes responsible for all… Read more »

When Children Feel Entitled

Often parents begin noticing unanticipated changes in their children, especially after holidays and special occasions. Consider how endowed children were during these exceptional times, not only in terms of presents but also yummy treats, late bedtimes, entertainment, no homework, less chores, and vacations. Other parents may overcompensate when their children have challenges such as illness,… Read more »

When Roles Reverse

Life throws curve balls. How we handle those curve balls will determine if we come out on top or badly bruised; planning and preparing for potential curve balls of life will make a world of difference. One probability in the lives of adult children is their parents will age, become frail, have a significant health… Read more »