Mood Mantra

What Is Your Vision Of Retirement?

You may have financially prepared for retirement, but are you psychologically and emotionally prepared? Being psychologically and emotionally prepared is equally as important as your financial preparations for your overall retirement health and well-being. The root of the word retirement implies retreat from battle, or stepping back to safer ground. This contradicts the excitement and… Read more »

Moving the Dial on Your Happiness Set Point

Happiness is an energy that seems to ebb and flow, yet, it can be strengthened and honed within each of us to permeate our lives with a gratifying tide.  There may be fleeting happiness that focuses on satisfaction of achieving material goods and momentary whims, but this type of happiness is difficult to maintain with… Read more »

Meditation Myths That Can Belittle Your Bliss

Do you meditate? If you’re like 80 percent of the people asked, your answer is, “I’ve tried it, but can’t make my mind stop.” This meditation myth and a few other common misunderstandings can keep you from learning this very valuable relaxation practice. Today, I’d like to share some good news with you. Meditation is… Read more »

Good Grief

There’s one thing no one gets out of this life without experiencing, and that’s dealing with the loss of a loved one, friend, co-worker, community member and even a famous person who left their indelible mark on many. Yet, even though death is a given, many of us enter a state of denial as we… Read more »


With the hectic pace of a busy season, it seemed appropriate to gravitate toward the yin side of life and talk about solitude. For many of us local small business owners, the peak season is hectic, bringing a needed abundance to support us when it all slows down in the heat of the summer. Recently,… Read more »

The Best Part of Being a Couple

The best part of being a couple? Wait for it… It’s the authentic relationship you have with yourself. ‘To thine own self be true’ and ‘Know thyself’ are but a few quotes that depict the importance of self-actualization. With greater awareness, the terms selfish and self-serving can evolve into a greater sense of self-worth and… Read more »

The Power of Words

One of the greatest discoveries of our time is the knowledge that we each have the ability and power to create the experiences in our lives. It is now common knowledge that the thoughts and feelings we have are frequencies sent out into the universe which return to us in physical experiences that are vibrational… Read more »

Outdoor Gym Opens in La Quinta

La Quinta has joined over 4,000 cities around the globe making fitness free and accessible to all through the installation of an outdoor circuit training court. The new facility is part of a multi-million dollar nationwide effort to get people excited about health and fitness. Spearheaded by National Fitness Campaign (NFC), the Fitness Court® ecosystem… Read more »

Inner Space, Inner Peace

One of my deepest intentions is finding a peaceful heart. The inspiration has, in part, stemmed from my dad, who passed away in 1982 but not before leaving an indelible imprint on the person I am today. He was a metallurgical engineer and researcher in aerospace back in the day when it was an emerging… Read more »

An Awakening Walk

Jennifer Johnson was looking for something to lift the weight of negative self-image that had plagued her most of her life. As a desert resident, she had a successful catering business, was a practicing yogi, and had many close friends, but was seeking something more. In March 2015 she first heard about the walk of… Read more »

Home for the Holidays

The holidays can bring both great joy and great stress. It’s often a time when family members who live elsewhere come “home” – with expectations and extra demands associated with preparations for and celebrations of the holiday season. Being a family caregiver of someone with dementia can bring an even greater level of stress. For… Read more »

To Know You Is To Love You

You look across the room and there they are…the person of your dreams…your soulmate. The One! In the movie Moonstruck Cher says, “Snap out of it!” Good advice, as it is often wise to step back and take a breath before jumping into those initial feelings, which may be simply lust versus true love. Love… Read more »

Students Plant School Garden

Over the last several months, Desert Healthcare District/Foundation has teamed up with teachers, students and the school principal at Bubbling Wells Elementary in Desert Hot Springs to design, create, build and fund a school garden. “Two of the District/Foundation’s areas of community health focus are healthy eating and active living,” said Herb K. Schultz, CEO… Read more »

Your Health Begins at Home

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the indoor air pollution concentrations in our homes are typically 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor pollution levels.1 The sad part is most common pollutants in your home are from chemicals you bring in from conventional cleaning, laundry and self-care products. How often do we look at the… Read more »