Facing challenges and problem solving are strengths that Madelina Agawin has relied upon since she was a young woman, and they have formed the complex mosaic of who she is as a person today. Early on, Madelina’s father instilled in her the importance of education and being disciplined in her approach to achieving her goals.… Read more »
Through the Generations
For the seventh consecutive year, residents in the Coachella Valley can enjoy the benefits of swim lessons or open swim passes at no charge, thanks to a $55,000 grant from Kaiser Permanente to the Desert Recreation District. Scholarships for swim lessons, open swim passes and Jr. Lifeguard Programs will be awarded to local residents as… Read more »
Palm Springs High School Academy of Learning Medicine (PALM) students are learning skills not often seen in the traditional classroom, thanks to advisory meetings with local business partners. With input from local health care practitioners, PALM staff members have incorporated lessons into their curriculum which emphasize career-related soft skills, such as verbal communication and presentation… Read more »
In Berlin, when I was 6 years young, my mother took me to the opera “Hansel and Gretel” by Engelbert Humperdinck (1812), based on the Brothers Grimm fairytale. It held many wonders for the musical imagination. My grandfather was a signal trumpeter with the Ulan cavalry under Emperor Wilhelm. My uncle Otto played the contra… Read more »
Step In Time
- By Gina Malloy, PT, C/NDT, NCS
- March/April 2014
Fear of falling is a common concern as we get older. And rightly so, as approximately one third of the elderly and over two thirds of nursing home residents fall each year. This statistic is due largely in part to the fact that as we age, our gait tends to change. Nearly 50% of people… Read more »
Dear Dr. Malm: How many people in the United States wear dentures today? Dear Reader: It is estimated that 32 million people wear dentures today. The largest group is the 65 to 74 year olds, and approximately 57% of Americans in this age group wear them. Of those who do wear dentures, 20 million have… Read more »
During the Humana Challenge, a group of La Quinta Middle School students had their final exam broadcast on television in front of a crowd. For these little chefs, it was a piece of cake…Well, actually, just the opposite! The 45 nutrition class students finished their 3 ½ month course on healthy eating and cooking with… Read more »
Students interested in today’s health care field have a wide range of career options, and the Indio High School Health Academy works to pave the way for their students. Their career/tech program is designed to provide students with knowledge and an understanding of health/medical sciences and careers. In addition to class education, the Academy provides… Read more »
Students from Cathedral City High School (CCHS) leave the safety and security of their classroom once every semester in their junior year, to venture throughout the Coachella Valley to discover information about a possible future career. The students are enrolled in the Health and Environment Academy of Learning (HEAL) at CCHS, a curriculum designed to… Read more »
Young Women Leaders Learn and Give Back
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- January/February 2014
This past December, Women Leadership Forum’s Young Women Leaders (YWL) gathered for a volunteer day at F.I.N.D. Food Bank. The girls learned about food insecurity which affects 90,000 members of our community, as well as the value of nutritious food –for those they were serving, as well as their own circle of family and friends.… Read more »
For All the World to Hear: Cochlear Implants
- By B. Maya Kato, MD
- January/February 2014
Loss of hearing is America’s most prevalent physical ailment. More people suffer from hearing loss than from heart disease, cancer, blindness, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, venereal disease and kidney disease combined. Despite the magnitude of the problem, we pay less attention to hearing loss than to any other major affliction. Perhaps it is because hearing loss… Read more »
“You walk like an old man,” said my friend Gary. We had not seen each other for almost two years. I am not offended and listen to him, like it or not, because he cares for me. Gary is very independent, strong and invincible; or so he thought, until he suffered a heart attack caused… Read more »
Living with Dignity and Incontinence
- By Carlos Santos, MBA, HCM
- January/February 2014
As children, we learn very quickly how to avoid an embarrassing situation, such as incontinence, mostly to avoid public ridicule and or “bullying” from peers. Now, fast forward 50-60 years later to find yourself with the same problem and with the same fears. However, this time you know that the solution may not be as… Read more »
Did you ever wonder how moms learn to become moms, and parents to parent? When young people are first starting out and don’t have relatives in the area, who answers all the questions? In the Coachella Valley, new moms and young families are lucky to now have a place to go, the About Families, Inc.,… Read more »
Thank You for Investing in Me
- By Joshue Leyva, pre-med student and Future Physician Leader
- November/December 2013
One of the utmost things that I love about living in the Coachella Valley is the extensive health initiatives embedded throughout our desert communities. Within these precincts lie the Desert Healthcare District (DHCD), UC Riverside (UCR), and the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP), which have similar visions that parallel my own: to ultimately improve the… Read more »
A smile and laughter are the expressions of a positive attitude about life. With the challenges of advancing years it takes strength to meet the tests. That awareness is not a gift; it needs to be earned with quiet gratitude. Wake up each day and smile when you look in the mirror and say that… Read more »
Stand Up to Headache Pain!
- By Gina Malloy, PT, C/NDT, NCS
- November/December 2013
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and…headaches? When it comes to being all-American, having at least one episode of head pain occurs in 90% of the American population. Researchers who have studied the prevalence of headache in adults in the United States report a high correlation with complaints of neck pain. When a headache originates from… Read more »
Keeping ‘Happy’ in Holidays
- By Carlos Santos
- November/December 2013
For many, the holiday season is full of cheer and memorable experiences. However, for others, the holiday season can bring stress and anxiety due to financial and social obligations, or the memories from years gone by. Many seniors are adversely affected by the rituals of the holiday season. It may be something as simple as… Read more »
Rancho Mirage resident and former Desert Regional Medical Center radiologist, Dr. Pam Meoli, had a stroke at age 51. Her prognosis included a walker or cane, little or no mobility of her left arm, and compromised speech. After nine months of speech therapy her ability to speak was much improved, but she was still not… Read more »
The Gold Standard Internship Program
- By Danielle Thoene, CVEP Health Career Connection Intern
- September/October 2013
Health Career Connection (HCC) is a national, non-profit organization that provides under-represented or disadvantaged college students and recent graduates with a ten-week paid internship in a health related field. This summer marked the return of the HCC internship program, the only one of its kind in the Coachella Valley. The number of interns in the… Read more »