The Power of Your Breath to Heal

Everything is energy, including emotions. When we experience emotional energy through significant life events that induce trauma or stress, ideally, we process that emotion and move through it. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes energy can become trapped in our bodies and cause physical discomfort, emotional distress, illness and more.    You may be… Read more »

Fueling for Fun

As we settle into the near perfect weather of the high season here in the Coachella Valley, we often find ourselves picking up the pace with obligations and events, both professional and for fun. The more we do, the more we burn through our bodies’ resources which can leave us feeling depleted and fatigued.  This… Read more »

Dreams, Leprechauns and Rip Van Winkle

What do St. Patrick’s Day, World Sleep Day, Rip Van Winkle and dreams share?1-3 Shamrocks, leprechauns, green drinks, deep sleep and this year, Friday, March 17!  But how can you dream like Rip if sleep eludes you? The answer just may be in the word itself as the acronym S-L-E-E-P.  Like the 19th-century farmer Rip… Read more »

Start Your Day Off Right: With Water!

Water. The scientifically unique molecule that makes life on Earth – and yourexistence – possible. The 8 x 8 (8 glasses of 8 oz/day) recommendation is out of date, and most professionals in the health community, including myself, have embraced aiming for a more proportional recommendation: half of your body weight in ounces of water… Read more »

Playing the Game of Life

“The Game of Life is not a game at all with winners and losers. You compete with only yourself, bettering what you did the day before. We are born, we grow, we constantly learn, we love. People change, people leave and believe. New friends emerge. Wisdom is discovered and then you are born again.” ~… Read more »

CBG: The Beautiful Red-haired Stepchild

THC. CBD. When it comes to cannabis, we understand those. But what are CBG, THCV, THCA, CBN and the nearly 100 other cannabinoids? With more research, it’s getting more and more confusing. So, with each edition of Desert Health, I am going to focus on one individual cannabinoid and the science behind how and why… Read more »

Sound Immersion

The practice of sound bathing, or immersing oneself in the vibrations of various instruments such as singing bowls and gongs, has been gaining popularity in recent years. However, its roots can be traced back centuries to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks who recognized the healing powers of vibrational sound. In my personal… Read more »

Nature AND Nurture: Epigenetics

We are all familiar with the old-time debate of nature versus nurture. Well times have changed. When it comes to your genetics, we now know health outcomes are not set in stone but are a combination of the genes you have from inception (nature) AND environmental influences on you since that moment (nurture). Environmental exposures… Read more »

The Restorative Theory of Sleep

We can all agree that we feel much better and refreshed after a good night’s sleep. The restorative theory of sleep provides a scientific explanation of that special feeling. Scientific evidence from both animal and human studies has proven our body literally heals and renews itself as we slumber. The majority of restorative functions in… Read more »

Experimenting with Cannabis

With cannabis now readily available in California, many are experimenting and with that may come the fear – or unpleasant experience – of becoming too high. While there is no getting “unhigh” quickly, several things can help you relax and ride it out. Know that this will pass The feeling of discomfort or panic has… Read more »

Is it the Journey or the Goal?

My friend Ashley and I were talking about the new year and something she said really resonated with me. “Winter is not the right energy for renewal.” It is so true! Winter is a time to reflect, let go, get cozy and rest. Spring is the perfect time for resolutions, goals, intentions and action. So,… Read more »

Keep Your Nose Clean

Winter is back with a bang, along with all the colds and flu the season brings. The CDC has reported the highest levels of influenza in more than a decade, with 13 million cases since early December 2022. Rising cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) along with this year’s variation of influenza are in the… Read more »

Acupuncture for Mental Wellness

A good friend and I were discussing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the role it plays in the health of veterans. During the conversation, we did not mention the possibility of other individuals experiencing the condition. The unfortunate reality is, however, that PTSD is more common in society than what popular media may portray. In… Read more »

Pulsenergy for Diagnosis

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), pulse diagnosis dates back thousands of years. It is a means of identifying and differentiating diseases by feeling pulses in the radial wrists. It is one of the four major assessments in TMC along with inspections (general observation of patient), auscultation (listening), olfaction (smelling) and questioning (obtaining medical history and… Read more »

Life is Full of Obstacle Illusions

“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.” – Author and Historian Daniel J. Boorstin In recent months, I discovered an underlying notion that I need to be heard by my family. An old belief of not being heard nor valued by my mother and father was reawakened… Read more »

CBN: The Sleep Inducing Cannabinoid

Sleep can be challenging at any age, but an estimated 40-70% of older adults have chronic sleep issues.1 Busy mind, fluctuating hormones, medical conditions, pain and stress may be to blame, and those suffering have usually tried an array of sleep aids, including me.  My symptoms may sound familiar: night sweats, need to urinate, busy… Read more »