Choose to Fall All-In

Have you been getting a tap on the shoulder that keeps telling you that you need a vacation? I believe that we never truly realize just how much we need an uplifting vacation, or “change of environment,” until we have actually make that change. I recently took a spur of the moment trip to Paris.… Read more »

Third Annual World Wellness Weekend

In 2017, a campaign was launched to raise awareness on the benefits of wellness lifestyles and to inspire people around the globe to adopt healthier habits. Now in its third year, World Wellness Weekend has grown to include over 2,000 venues in 100 countries and local businesses and community members are encouraged to get involved.… Read more »

Living Wellness with Jennifer

Following Your Inner Compass

We often say, “Trust your instincts” and “Listen to your inner voice.” Yet, with all the external noise and internal conflict, how do we follow our inner compass? Our world revolves around strategy, data, knowledge and facts, which challenges us to navigate unknown territories. Over 4,000 years ago Phoenician sailors used the sun and stars… Read more »

Natural Options for Candida

Candida albicans is a yeast that lives in and on the human body. In small amounts it is not harmful, but an overabundance can cause infections in the genitourinary tract, the digestive system and on the skin. An overgrowth of candida in the gastrointestinal tract is associated with ulcers, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Along… Read more »

Chinese Herbal Tonics

Throughout history, we’ve been blessed by those who have paved a path before us that we have not known before. This is especially evident in the world of natural health. Many early visionaries of the West pioneered a holistic way of life that many of us thrive on today. These include: Linus Pauling, PhD; Paul… Read more »

Treatment Options for Measles

Measles is a viral disease that has gained public interest due to annual measles outbreaks in various parts of the U.S. While it is more prevalent in less developed nations, in the United States there are typically smaller, controlled outbreaks without long-term health complications or mortalities. Measles is one viral disease for which an immunization… Read more »

Understanding Homeopathy

Maybe you’ve treated a minor injury with arnica or given Calms Forte to a teething child. Perhaps you’ve reached for Oscillicoccinum to treat the flu. These are three of the most widely used homeopathic remedies. You may have wondered how those little pellets work, or been unaware that there was anything special about them in… Read more »

Trending for 2019: Cannabis Edibles For Today’s Diets

With the legalization of cannabis, food products infused with cannabis extract (referred to as edibles) have emerged as a popular way to enjoy it both medicinally and recreationally. While there are plenty of sugary cookie and candy options on the market, there are also delicious options that satisfy many diets and lifestyles popular today. Before… Read more »

Choose Your Focus Wisely

Is your focus in the present tense? Are you aware of what you are focusing on and how you are feeling about the object of your focus? Are you feeling up, down, or all turned around? All matter, invisible or visible, is made up of energy, and is continually in motion.  Each molecule, from the… Read more »

Creating Dementia Friendly Communities

A Dementia Friendly Community is a village, town, city or county that is informed, safe and respectful of individuals with Alzheimer’s/ dementia, their families and caregivers and provides supportive options that foster quality of life. While the idea originated in the UK, the Dementia Friendly America (DFA) movement began in September, 2015 following the White… Read more »

Nature, Stress Relief, Trashion and more

What’s new in wellness? Getting off the beaten path, following your nose, wearing conscious clothing, eating exactly what your body needs, choosing your meditation wisely, and getting back to nature as prescribed by your doctor. And in the end, you’ll even have options for dying well. This is according to the Global Wellness Summit’s (GWS)… Read more »

Love Juice and the Fountain of Youth

There are many luscious and mysterious chemicals that become activated in the body when we fall in love. These chemicals create a magic potion of sorts that bypasses the radar of our rational mind and creates a timeless state of euphoria. When we’re in love, we look brighter, happier and palpably more youthful. The key… Read more »

The Value of Workplace Wellness

I first became interested in the concept of workplace wellness in college when I read Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman by Yvon Chouinard, founder and owner of Patagonia. Patagonia’s policy of allowing employees to work flexible hours, as long as the work gets done with no negative impacts on… Read more »

Building Healthy Bones Naturally

It’s easy to forget how much we depend on our bones, but if you’ve ever fractured one, then you know better than to take them for granted. Building and maintaining healthy bones is extremely important. Bone is a living tissue, constantly breaking down and rebuilding. If the rate of breakdown exceeds the rate of formation,… Read more »

Nutrients for Joint Injury Recovery

Recently I attended a symposium called “New Solutions to Acute and Chronic Pain.” There were many things of interest throughout the 4-day event, but I especially want to share the nutrients holistic doctor Wally Schmitt, DC, discussed to specifically target connective tissues and pain management following a joint injury.1 As a nutritional consultant I have… Read more »

Improving Our Wellbeing with Music

“Music gives soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” –Plato Wow! Plato said this circa 500 BC, well before Mozart, Edith Piaf, Louis Armstrong, Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Sam Cooke, Don Ho, The Beatles, Billie Holiday, Lady Gaga, Mp3 players, unlimited streaming…and… Read more »