I’m Lauren Del Sarto, a meticulous professional who has burned the candle at both ends my entire life. When I reached my 40s, I committed to finally achieving a healthy life balance.
At 58, I’m still working at it – and thoroughly enjoying the journey.
They say achieving balance can be a lifelong struggle, but I consider it an incredible adventure of heart-opening exploration. And it certainly makes you a better person.
The Overachiever:
I’ve had an amazing career…In the 80s, I planned social functions on Wall Street; in the 90s produced concerts and festivals in San Francisco, and was a national marketing manager for Dorothy Hamill’s Ice Capades. My entrepreneurial adventures include a successful ad agency, an equestrian construction company, and now Desert Health®.
How did I get here?
When my husband, Tommy, and I moved to the Desert for early retirement 10 years ago my plan was to focus on personal health. The overachiever needed a break and started exploring all the natural medicine Greater Palm Springs has to offer…the mineral baths, detoxification therapies, yoga, meditation…
That was one half of me. The other half was enjoying way too many cocktails and not enough brain food.
We lasted eight months and decided to go back to work – but only part time.
While scrolling through Craigslist I saw ‘newspaper delivery route’ and thought, perfect! I’ll be done by 7am and have the whole day to play. I told them I was way over qualified and they agreed, asking if I’d like to run the Coachella Valley division of Healthy Times, an alternative pub at the time.
Now, why would I have answered that ad? And how ironic that it was a health newspaper? (I would come to learn that there are no coincidences). Of course, it was not ironic that they asked me to take on more – a common trap for the overachiever.
I took the job and helped them grow the paper, but noticed that as an alternative pub, we were missing the vast medical community. I thought a publication featuring both would serve a larger purpose, but the owners declined. I then contacted The Desert Sun, our local daily, to propose the idea and never heard back.
So, I decided to do it myself and Desert Health® was born.
It was simply the right thing at the right time. It felt like I was flying freely above the process while it all came together – like it had a much bigger purpose than me.
I’ll never forget my first meeting with Joe Scherger, MD, VP of Primary Care for Eisenhower Health. I shared my idea and colorful prototype and he said, “Timely convergence. We’re getting ready to open the Eisenhower Wellness Institute.” Integrative medicine would indeed be the next wave in health care.
By the second issue, all valley hospitals, numerous doctors and a vast array of natural health practitioners had joined us. We set our mission to provide positive and educational information, and to feature respected and qualified marketing partners.
I am proud to say that Desert Health® is now the leading source for health and wellness in the region. The journey has been fun and I continue to learn and grow each day.
So where is the balance?
After a diverse career and a conscious intention to focus on my health, the universe presented the opportunity to do what I love and to use my talents to help inspire others. I am living my passion which is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself.
With this blog, I hope to offer practical tips on living life to the fullest while maintaining health and happiness.
Thank you for joining me ~ We hope to see you again!
The Balance: Listening to your intuition and following your passion can help lead you to a greater purpose.
Comments (12)
WOOHOO!! I am so excited for you as you extend your services, skills, talents and gifts to a larger platform! You are truly helping us improve ourselves/our lives and our “wellness” community.
I am looking forward to having a specially signed copy of your book!!
Always your friend,
Thank you for being there…and being here, Tim. Your support means the world (:
All the best ~
I couldn’t find cure in my country so, thought to ask you. I deliver a baby 7 months ago. Since, then I’m feel weird thing. I feel my head is running. It’s the same feeling when you come out of swimming and u still feel you you are swimming. All day I feel this. I also feel pressure on my eyes during this. I move my head very slowly when I’m having this feeling. Please help me I’m so tired.
I really enjoyed reading this and learned a lot about how DHN was created and still can not believe how much you have accomplished in the desert by bringing this wellness community together and intergrating all fields of healthcare. I feel the blog is a wonderful idea to allow people to ask questions and receive feedback and continue the conversation about health and well being. Balance like life waxes and wanes to learning to cope and enjoy our lives at time is a learned skill. Thank you Lauren.
You are a ray of sunshine, Dr. Sheppard.
Thank you ~
Hi Lauren:
I really enjoyed learning about your background. I knew it when I met you that you loved what you do and it is an honor to be part of the amazing Desert Health magazine!
Your events are always incredible and you are a brilliant writer!
Thank You!
Thank you so very much for your kind words, Maria! Look forward to having you back in the desert soon!
Lauren Del Sarto
To use our talents to help inspire others is the greatest and most fulfilling satisfaction way of living.
Grateful for you and your amazing service to our beloved Coachella Valley!
Thanks for all you do.
Thank you so very much for your kind words!
All the best ~
Loved reading your blog & learning your background; your adventures leading to use your talents to inspire others is heart warming. I feel this is just the beginning of a wonderful journey. Thank you for all you do.
This means the world. Thank you so very much. We have have struggles and challenges (I know, right?) and its wonderful we have each other to laugh with along the way.
Here’s to a healthy and happy 2020 ~