Seven months after cryoablation (#Cryo4BC) and ten months after starting an integrative cancer care protocol, today, I am cancer free.
I envisioned this day for so long and the enthusiasm that would accompany those word, but the reality is very different. I say ‘today’ because I have come to understand just how unpredictable and relentless this disease can be, and that cancer is a lifelong journey.
But through the journey, you learn so much about yourself. I now know that am not invincible. I know that sometimes it just feels easier to give up and to give in. That deciding what is right for you – and you alone – is extremely daunting, and that sticking to a plan that takes more time and more money than you feel you have requires unparalleled patience and faith.
As with any challenge we face, so much is mind over matter and I find solace in these words from Deepak Chopra in his current meditation experience, The Path to Empowerment: “Here is a truth that most people don’t even dare to consider: We have the power to change anything in our lives.”
And so much has changed for me…
It’s ironic that I named this blog as I did, because it took cancer for me to truly make the changes necessary to achieve a healthy balance. While not easy, my greatest advice is to honor yourself today and work towards achieving balance before you are forced to do so (I no longer find it ironic that so many friends with cancer are also “A types’). Slow down and lighten up. Connect with your true self. Eat for fuel, not convenience, and lead with compassion and love in everything you do.
I am still getting used to the changes (especially the slow down and lighten up part), but deep down I know they are for the better… minimal stress, nutrition that works for my specific body, a leaner physique, taking time for self-care and enhanced empathy for others.
Life seems richer, deeper and much more calm than before. I have a clearer sense of what I want and don’t want in my life which is driven by enhanced intuition. My demeanor is much more go-with-the-flow and a sincere belief that everything will work out just as it’s supposed to.
Living in harmony with the universal flow takes a different level of awareness and creates a much deeper gratitude for it all. Considering the driven, meticulous, high energy and somewhat reckless path I have been on for 50 years, I wouldn’t be here at 54 without this disease, so for that I am grateful.
Many have guided me and many more have inspired. I will take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you personally, but cannot say enough about the larger community of support which has been there for me – some who I don’t yet know… It truly means the world.
What do I attribute my current success to?
- My belief that cancer was a sign that life changes needed to be made and listening to – and acting on – those signals
- My rigorous research and drive to be my own advocate
- My revised diet which has become a lifestyle choice I now crave
- My integrative protocol and open-minded health care team
- Support and love of family, friends and community
Please share your experiences below and know that this is what life is all about – connecting, sharing and helping others along the way.
Thank you for being there for me. It has meant more than you will ever know.
Comments (17)
Little Love, you’ve achieved something I have not been able to realize as yet in my waning years. You’re a good example for others…even your old Dad. We’re proud of you!
Love you all to pieces,
That means so much, Dad. Thank you for taking the time.
I love you ~
Such a beautiful piece! We all need to be reminded of the ole’ cliche “Stop and Smell the roses”. Life is short, and fragile – one that can not be done over. Cheers to your drive to find out the answers that not only have helped you but others that you inspire.
Thank you so very much, Velda… And for being there in more ways than one!
What WONDERFUL news, Lauren!!! Your words are honest and inspiring…. and give us all important lessons to learn and follow. I so admire your strength and determination in dealing with, and curing, your tough diagnosis. You are an amazing example for us all. Congratulations for such a POSITIVE outcome!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you so very much, Andrea. It’s a pretty incredible journey ~
You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey.
And thank you for your love and support, my friend.
Lauren fantastic news. Fabulous read. I too am a cancer survivor-21 year breast cancer. I too am type A. Thank for the reminders. Great advice. May God continue to bless you. You look amazing & are a great example of what is right in the world!
Lynn, I remember you as an A type in high school! You always rocked it, too, and I have always had much respect and admiration for you. Your journey has been fun to follow. Didn’t know it included BC and 21 years makes me SO happy to hear! Way to go…
Woohoo! Great news! So happy for you, Lauren. Not a fun journey at all. Much peace and happiness moving forward my friend!
Thank you, Cheri..And I still owe you a call. LIFE.
Lauren, I am so very excited for this fabulous, wonderful news.
Your a true inspiration to everyone going up against Cancer.
I am so very proud of you.
Thank you so very much, Robin! The journey has been pretty life changing. I can only hope that sharing my words can help others faced with the challenge.
With sincere appreciation ~
Hello Lauren & congratulations on your excellent results! Joe Scherger, a long time & dear friend told me I should contact you re. your experience with cryoablation. I’ll look up the link you supplied, and hope you don’t mind me introducing myself here. That’s a nice paint you’re on! Linda Hughes
I am so glad to hear of your success in beating breast cancer.
I just received my six month post cryoablation MRI results, and I, too, am cancer-free. I took the same steps that you did, Lauren, and addressed my nutritional needs, psychological health, exercise routines, and attitude. Extensive and persistent research led me to cryoablation, and I felt empowered to do what I felt was best for me. I hope that more women will become aware of cryoablation (if they are candidates for it) before they are pushed to have surgery, radiation, and drugs that are the only “standard of care” options discussed with patients.
Thank you for your note, Lisa. Very similar paths and steps. I certainly hope more woman explore cryoablation and understand the importance of overall life changes when faced with cancer. A great article by Jeralyn Brossfield in our latest issue here:
Be well and thank you for sharing your story.