Infants and young babies with regular colic tug on our heart strings as they cry, sometimes endlessly, leaving us with few options to relieve it. Any parent with a child that has colic can become desperate to help stop the tears. Colic is most often caused by issues with poor digestion and elimination, although it… Read more »
Children’s Health
Taking to the Skies to Help Infants
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- November/December 2017
One of the scariest times in a person’s life is when a baby is born with the immediate need for medical care. Fortunately for families the Coachella Valley, comprehensive care for preemies and high-risk infants is available at Desert Regional Medical Center’s Women and Infants Center. But what if your baby is born in Blythe… Read more »
Enhance Learning with Healthy Foods
- By Michelle Steadman
- September/October 2017
As a parent or teacher, you want to see kids grow as physically, mentally, and academically healthy as possible. Luckily, healthy food can help achieve these goals, and there is no better time to expose them to healthy eating routines than their tender years. Real Food vs. Junk Food Sometimes we get confused about what… Read more »
Children and Teens Affected by Cancer
- By April Hanig, MFTI
- May/June 2017
When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, is going through treatment, or has passed away from cancer, the children and teens in the family may experience a range of emotions that they have never had to deal with before. Because each child responds in his or her own unique way, it is crucial that… Read more »
How do we reverse the chronic disease epidemic plaguing our country? Indio High teacher, Jason Tate, says to start with the next generation. He knows the value first hand. Over the past ten years, he has been teaching the biology of nutrition and recently created a Health & Wellness Academy at Indio High where pre-med… Read more »
We can all agree: Breast is Best! There is no formula substitute that will ever compete with the health benefits provided by breast milk. From dehydration to enhancing immune boosting properties for a sick infant, a mother’s breast milk is able to adjust its nutritional components to reflect the immediate needs of her baby. However,… Read more »
Homeopathic medicines are excellent natural remedies to keep stocked for cold and flu season. Homeopathy is a safe, effective, and innocuous system of medicine that, in most cases, can be given with little to no interference with other pharmaceutical medications; the large majority can also be given to children of most ages. The following homeopathic… Read more »
Daily toxin exposure in children has risen dramatically in the past few decades. Children are now exposed to potentially harmful chemicals in everything from plastic wares to sunscreen to pesticides, in food to air pollution and beyond. Chemical toxins have the capability to alter growth and development in children producing potentially lower IQs, increasing risk… Read more »
Healthy sleep habits in children are essential to their physical, mental, and emotional development. Children will show an improved mood, increased IQ, better grades, and seem all around happier with as little as 20 more minutes sleep per night. Establishing a bedtime routine helps parents and children get the extra rest they need. But as… Read more »
When Children Feel Entitled
- By Barbara Pedalino, PsyD
- March/April 2016
Often parents begin noticing unanticipated changes in their children, especially after holidays and special occasions. Consider how endowed children were during these exceptional times, not only in terms of presents but also yummy treats, late bedtimes, entertainment, no homework, less chores, and vacations. Other parents may overcompensate when their children have challenges such as illness,… Read more »
Childhood anxiety is increasingly an issue that many parents have difficulty treating naturally and successfully. Anxiety in children may be caused by numerous issues including food choices and nutritional status. Children do not always need pharmaceutical meds to combat anxiety. There are many natural remedies, dietary recommendations, and behavior modification strategies to moderate anxiety prior… Read more »
Beamer Shines Light for Kids Facing Addiction
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- January/February 2016
The Hazelden Betty Ford Center is world renowned for the significant work they do with those dealing with addiction. But what about the many young children who struggle with an addictive parent or loved one in the family? There are thousands of these young victims for which Betty Ford Center Children’s Program also provides support,… Read more »
Students Gain Valuable Experience in Disaster Drill
- By Samantha Abbott and Lexi Villarreal, HEAL students
- November/December 2015
Cathedral City High School held its annual disaster drill on Thursday, October 15th. The event goes hand in hand with the Great California Shakeout, which helps prepare all students in California for a massive 7.0 earthquake that could occur at any time. The drill offers a vital tool to inform students how to properly evacuate… Read more »
It’s that time of year again, and flu shots are being offered at every pharmacy and doctor’s office. Vaccine safety is a controversial topic, dividing people into pro- or anti-vaccine groups, and stifling individual choice. U.S. Law has defined vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe.”1 Based on current evidence, I believe that there are no safe vaccines,… Read more »
Seasonal pollen, grass, and environmental allergies can spike in the desert during the fall, especially during the grass scalping and reseeding times. Children commonly suffer from seasonal allergies and it can affect their mood, concentration, and well-being. Seasonal allergies can be treated with dietary changes and nutritional supplements, which help avoid the grogginess and side… Read more »
A Caring Hand for Youth in Crisis
- By Doris Steadman, MEd, MSW
- September/October 2015
Imagine being a teenager in a troubled home where daily life is all about survival; or a pre-teen caught up in drugs and looking for a way out; or a young girl coerced down the wrong path and fearful of those maintaining a strong hold on your life. How do you get out? In Riverside… Read more »
It’s the start of a new school year, and parents are faced with the same challenge: how to prepare healthy, easy, and nutritious school lunches every day. Healthy school lunches do not need to be time consuming, or expensive. The key to creating nutritious lunch options is staying well stocked and thinking ahead. Maintaining a… Read more »
Back to School Emotions
- By Barbara Pedalino, PsyD
- September/October 2015
Back to school butterflies are a natural phenomenon. The two most frequent words I am hearing in my practice about back to school are “excited” and “anxious.” They are both uttered simultaneously and related to unknowns. When I ask children what they mean by these words, they explain excited to mean seeing friends, discovering their… Read more »
La Quinta is most commonly known for its beautiful golf courses and annual La Quinta Arts Festival; however, it is much more than that. Over the years, it has transformed from a sleepy desert resort community into one that is full of life, action and activities for its residents and visitors. Dotted with walking trails… Read more »
There are no safe plastics. Products made with plastics contain harmful chemicals, and exposure to plastics and their toxic constituents can cause long-term health consequences in developing babies and children. Certain types of plastics, such as BPA, have been banned in bottle nipples because of health concerns associated with BPA toxicity in infants.1 However, when… Read more »
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