Shay Moraga was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at the beginning of 2016 and shares her journey with Desert Health® readers in this ongoing column. In the July/August issue, she shared her growing fear that her cancer had returned…. As I sat up in bed I prayed. I prayed to take this fear away… Read more »
Radiation Therapy for Skin Cancer
- By Ted Ling, MD
- September/October 2017
Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United States with an estimated 3.5 million plus cases diagnosed each year. In fact, the incidence of skin cancer has risen steadily over the past decade and is particularly common here in the desert valley where sun exposure is prolonged and the UV index… Read more »
It has only been six months since I went into remission. I can remember very vividly last year at this time I had no hair, no eyelashes or eyebrows. My body was bloated from all the medication and the heat was so bad. I had an abundance of Shay’s Warriors surrounding me weekly and sometimes… Read more »
When it comes to cancer treatment, most people are familiar with the treatment options of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. But today, there is a fourth leg of cancer care which involves a new class of drugs that stimulate a patient’s own immune system to fight the cancer. Known as immuno-oncology or immunotherapy, these drugs contain… Read more »
Shay Moraga was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at the beginning of 2016 and shares her journey with Desert Health® readers in an ongoing column… 2016 was a hard year. We lost some really great actors and artists. Just when the world started to get over Prince being gone, the end of the year… Read more »
Children and Teens Affected by Cancer
- By April Hanig, MFTI
- May/June 2017
When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, is going through treatment, or has passed away from cancer, the children and teens in the family may experience a range of emotions that they have never had to deal with before. Because each child responds in his or her own unique way, it is crucial that… Read more »
The year was 1989. I was 13 years old in the 8th grade and into boy bands like New Kids on the Block. While attending my church’s youth group one night, I would meet my best friend Kristina. Even though we have about 3,000 miles between us now, she is still my best friend of… Read more »
Don’t Forget Your Shades
- By Jennifer I. Hui, M.D.
- March/April 2017
While breast, prostate and lung cancers are the most prevalent forms of cancer in the United States,1 skin cancer is the most common type in the Coachella Valley according to the recently released data from HARC.2 This may come as no surprise with our love of the outdoors and our radiant desert sun. Because of… Read more »
Conquering Cancer
- By April Hanig, MFTI
- March/April 2017
When it comes to conquering cancer, we all know how important it is to get the very best medical treatment possible. But most of us are far less aware of other things that can help us on the road to recovery, such as resources and practices that are complementary to excellent medical care. Here at… Read more »
Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Cancer Care
- By Stephanie Lee, LA.c, Ph.D.
- March/April 2017
Acupuncture has been used for centuries to help identify imbalances and guide patients towards more optimal health. It stimulates the natural healing process of the body and aids in restoring health and balance. As such, more and more studies are identifying acupuncture as a safe and effective therapy in the treatment of cancer for the… Read more »
I woke up that morning like I did every day. However, this time, I knew my life depended all on this particular day. They had to get all the cancer out of my body. I had barely slept all night, and as I turned on the shower, emotions started to flow. I started crying and… Read more »
Giving Cancer Patients a Voice
- By Anita Roark, MA
- January/February 2017
What if you could share your experience of being diagnosed with and treated for cancer–including the emotions you felt and how you coped–and that sharing could contribute to research that will improve the lives of others? Well, you can, through a valuable online resource called the Cancer Experience Registry. As a cancer survivor who just… Read more »
Throughout this cancer, I visualized running a marathon. I sat in my chemo chair listening to music and when I closed my eyes I ran up a mountain and down a hill. After the chemo was over, I began visualizing being on a roller coaster (by the way, I hate roller coasters); however, this roller… Read more »
Three Keys to Post-Cancer Recovery
- By Sonja Fung, ND
- November/December 2016
You have finally finished your cancer treatments. After being inundated with doctors and doctor visits for however many months, all of a sudden, you are set free. Yea! ….now what? You’re in the middle of “season” with social events and holidays. How do you create balance while recovering from cancer therapy? Start with these three… Read more »
This column is a continuation of last issue’s feature story on Shay Moraga who at 39 years old was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. We are honored to have Shay sharing her journey with Desert Health® readers in an ongoing column. When we left Shay, she was close to finishing 20 weeks of chemo…… Read more »
Cancer does not discriminate. It affects people of all ages, races, backgrounds and lifestyles. And sometimes it finds those you’d least expect – those who have lived the healthy, balanced life that we all strive to achieve. This year, breast cancer found Shay Moraga at 39 years old. A yogi who lived a clean, balanced… Read more »
Scar-less Skin Cancer Removal
- By Mark Vincent Sofonio, MD
- May/June 2016
Skin cancers, including basal cell cancers and squamous cell cancers, are the most common cancers in the United States, affecting more than 4 million Americans every year. Skin cancers are over two times more common than all other cancers combined. They are also increasing faster than all other cancers combined. Every 10 seconds an American… Read more »
I Have Cancer, but My X-ray Is Normal
- By Stuart May, MD
- May/June 2016
It was August 2014 when Bob, age 49, developed a cough that did not resolve with the usual over-the-counter medications. He visited his family physician who ordered a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray report was normal. However, the cough persisted over the next 2 to 3 months so his physician decided to order a CAT… Read more »
Why do some people survive cancer against all odds when others do not? That question sent Kelly Turner back to school to get her Ph.D. As a cancer patient counselor, Turner was searching for answers in an effort to help her clients and was angered at the fact that no one had studied this population to… Read more »
Integrative Cancer Care
- By Jessica Needle, ND
- January/February 2016
Conventional treatments for cancer are surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormones and targeted biological therapy. For those seeking alternatives or additions to increase efficacy or to mitigate side effects, a wide array of choices exist. Interventions which have been scientifically studied and have shown positive outcomes range from drinking green tea to receiving acupuncture to applying ozone… Read more »
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