Preventing Parental Temper Tantrums

What parent hasn’t had moments, days, even years of feeling like they could have parented better? The reality is, they could have parented differently. Most of us have a fantasy bubble that gives us a bird’s eye view of a perfect life, encompassing everything we think we’re not but should be. Let’s face it. Parenting… Read more »

Fiction Tells Real Stories

“So now what do I do?” “Why are they behaving this way?” “Where do I find answers to all the questions I have?” These are outcries I hear from family caregiver/partner clients and audiences regularly. In addition to providing them a general overview and explanation about particulars, I offer my recommended reading list culled from… Read more »

Choosing Home Care

One of most difficult decisions adult children make when caring for aging parents is where to turn for in-home care.  The myriad of choices can be overwhelming.  Essentially, there are three choices: private hire, domestic referral agencies and full service companies.  With a private hire caregiver, the family or older adult becomes responsible for all… Read more »

When Children Feel Entitled

Often parents begin noticing unanticipated changes in their children, especially after holidays and special occasions. Consider how endowed children were during these exceptional times, not only in terms of presents but also yummy treats, late bedtimes, entertainment, no homework, less chores, and vacations. Other parents may overcompensate when their children have challenges such as illness,… Read more »

When Roles Reverse

Life throws curve balls. How we handle those curve balls will determine if we come out on top or badly bruised; planning and preparing for potential curve balls of life will make a world of difference. One probability in the lives of adult children is their parents will age, become frail, have a significant health… Read more »

Treating Anxiety in Children

Childhood anxiety is increasingly an issue that many parents have difficulty treating naturally and successfully. Anxiety in children may be caused by numerous issues including food choices and nutritional status. Children do not always need pharmaceutical meds to combat anxiety. There are many natural remedies, dietary recommendations, and behavior modification strategies to moderate anxiety prior… Read more »

Do You Really Have Tight Hamstrings?

After playing 18 holes of golf requiring a forward bending position, you might be uncomfortable at the end of the round – especially if you start the round with tight muscles. Many trainers spend countless hours teaching their golf clients hamstring stretches when they complain of being tight. For many, the tightness will most likely… Read more »

Time Flies…Tempus Fugit

We had never seen a Tesla automobile, but its sleek design, understated elegance and electric motor caught our attention. Taking the Tesla for a test drive was a memorable experience. The auto handles like a dream. The acceleration is powerful and smooth. The interior is luxurious yet practical, and the electronics are state-of-the-art. Then we… Read more »

Working with an Aging Life Care Professional

Engaging an aging life care professional (previously known as geriatric care manager) is the first step many families take when seeking help for themselves or family members dealing with the challenges of aging.  The aging life care profession is relatively new and grew out of the social service field.  As the aging population began living… Read more »

Treating Allergies without Medication

Seasonal pollen, grass, and environmental allergies can spike in the desert during the fall, especially during the grass scalping and reseeding times. Children commonly suffer from seasonal allergies and it can affect their mood, concentration, and well-being. Seasonal allergies can be treated with dietary changes and nutritional supplements, which help avoid the grogginess and side… Read more »

Cooling That Hot Headed Inner Child

Are you one of those who sometimes wishes you could curb hurtful and reactive responses and behaviors in the heat of the moment? Well, the fall season is upon us and cooler temperatures present an ideal opportunity for those with hot temperaments to consider a personal “cooling.” The good news is we can conquer this… Read more »

The Animal Connection

It is a privilege of advancing years to reflect on the memories of experiences to harvest insights that slowly deepen wisdom. Some of the wisdoms I know to be true are that animals are a rich part of our human lives. The study of that connection creates a growing fascination with the wonders of the… Read more »

How to Be “Worry-Smart”

The word “worry” comes from the Greek word for a divided mind, and the holiday season epitomizes that divided mind. We think we deserve a relaxed and joyous holiday season, yet so much about November and December seems to produce worry…pressure to buy the perfect gifts, to have the perfect holiday dinner with no arguing… Read more »

Why Any and All Activity Matters

The health benefits of exercise are extraordinarily well documented. Regular exercise lowers your risk of a stroke by 27%, reduces instances of both high blood pressure and Alzheimer’s disease by 40%, cuts your chance of developing diabetes by 50%, and lowers your risk of developing colon cancer by a whopping 60%. As well, it obviously… Read more »