Senior Golfers: Hips Don’t Lie

For many years I have researched the most effective and biggest bang for the buck” exercises for golfers because I know time is always an issue. Having to arrive at the golf course early for an 8 a.m. tee time doesn’t give you much time for preparing your body for golf, so a complex golf… Read more »

Overtraining Youth Athletes

One evening I was working with a group of young athletes from various sports, and one stood out because of the way her body wasn’t responding to the warm-ups. This fourteen-year-old was pale and appeared very sluggish and somewhat disoriented. I pulled her aside and asked how she was feeling. She told me that she… Read more »

pickleball courts

Pickleball National Championships Return

The USA Pickleball National Championships return to the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens November 2-10 featuring an increased purse of $80,000. Over 2,300 players from around the globe will descend on the world-class venue which has also increased its number of pickleball courts from 45 to 49. Players in approximately 140 different divisions will play 4,000… Read more »

Making an Impact on the World

We’ve all heard of the phrase “working on your bucket list,” or completing all the things you wanted to do in life. For most it’s things like skydiving, climbing Mount Everest, bungee jumping off big cliffs or visiting exotic islands. For me, it’s what I consider a challenge of a lifetime, which at the same… Read more »

Disco Inferno Pilates

A “Night Out” Workout

While Zelda’s has long been known as one of the valley’s hottest nightclubs, upstairs they are turning up the heat at Bikram Yoga Plus – Palm Springs where Disco Inferno Hot Pilates offers Friday night fun combined with a full body workout. With many fitness fans seeking healthier nightly activities, this rocking class is growing… Read more »

Are You Ready for Tabata?

There are so many exercise programs available these days that it can be a challenge to figure out what is right for you. Everyone is built differently – some are athletic while others are overweight and have never worked out before. Therefore, it is always recommended that you consult your doctor and find a qualified… Read more »

Blood Flow Restriction Training

In the world of rehabilitation there are many treatment techniques at the disposal of health care professionals to address musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. One of the biggest problems for people recovering from injury or surgery is muscle weakness and atrophy (decreased muscle size). As the cost of health care increases, it is important that we… Read more »

It’s Time to Play Pickleball!

The growing popularity of pickleball is unmistakable. The sport began as a backyard game in Washington state in 1965 and has become the fastest growing sport in our country, around the world, and definitely in the Coachella Valley. It’s something everyone should try. My friend George from Sun City Palm Desert told me there are… Read more »

Ballroom Dancing: Good for Body, Mind and Spirit

As an avid reader of Desert Health, I have enjoyed many great articles on fitness, health and emotional wellbeing. As a ballroom dance instructor, I am proud to say that ballroom dancing addresses all of these!  Many people believe that ballroom dancing is only the more formal partner dances such as the foxtrot, waltz, and… Read more »

Exercising on a Ketogenic Diet

It seems the hot diet trend these days is the term ketosis. People are losing weight quickly and keeping it off with a great deal of discipline and significant effort. The aim of a ketogenic diet is to keep your body in a metabolic state called ketosis. Our bodies normally burn carbohydrates for energy. When… Read more »

Maximizing Your Endurance Training

The development of an endurance training program involves different variables that need to be accounted for to maximize performance. Maximizing performance is the number one goal of all training programs. Training used to consist of high intensity interval training most days of the week. Arthur Lydiard, the running coach for the New Zealand distance runners,… Read more »

The Health of Our Kids

Over the past 15 years, poor nutrition and obesity of our country’s youth has become a real health concern. Multiple studies estimate that 40 percent of all youth ages 6-17 skip breakfast and snack all day. Of these, 50 percent are middle school students, while 36 percent are in high school. 26 percent skip meals… Read more »

Parkinson’s Clients Don Gloves to Battle Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects the ability to walk, talk, balance and move. Many recent studies on effective therapies for this incurable disease indicate that certain types of exercise, specifically intense “forced” exercise, can exert a neuroprotective influence and may actually slow progression. Over the past twelve years,… Read more »

Create Your Experience

When teaching my yoga classes, I often say, “Pay attention to the experience you’re creating in this moment.” I say this to encourage people to recognize what they are feeling as they undertake different poses, practice conscious breathing, or notice their thoughts. So often, we assume that the instructor is the person who will create… Read more »