Tap dancing is regaining popularity as a healthy approach to creating wellness for the heart, mind and body. For older adults, tap dancing is an example of how art programming can positively effect one’s physical being, mental health, and social functioning, regardless of ability. Providing interactive rhythm, tap dancing is a brain- boosting activity which… Read more »
Through the Generations
Thomas Moore wrote a book called “The Re-enchantment of Everyday Life.” In it he talks about enchantment, the kind most of us experienced as young children. It is important for us as adults to bring enchantment back into our lives as it is a quality or way of experiencing life and ourselves. Just the other… Read more »
A Creative Outlet for Seriously Ill Children Imagine what it would be like if you couldn’t go outside–ever. Or even leave your room? Anyone who has been sick with a serious illness knows that it is an awful experience. The days drag on, optimism shrinks, and boredom and depression set in. For approximately 1 million… Read more »
Have you ever wondered which mother actually uses the disinfectant wipes at the grocery store to clean their shopping cart and spreads out the cushy seat cover before placing her little bundle of joy in it? Well, that mother is me. Since giving birth just over a year ago, I am definitely more precautionary against… Read more »
I often hear that kids aren’t living up to their full potential. With all the distractions – video games, internet, TV, smart phones, texting, email, etc. – how do we motivate our children to excel in all they do? In one of his many books, Dr. Wayne Dyer recounts his days as a young boy… Read more »
Palm Springs Unified School District (PSUSD) is collaborating with Valley hospitals allowing hundreds of students to experience what a career in health care might feel like. Through a unique program called “Career Explorations”, Eisenhower Medical Center (EMC) and Desert Regional Medical Center (DRMC) are making connections with students and helping to prepare their next generation… Read more »
Fear of losing their independence is the primary concern of older adults. Take Mrs. Weeks, who fell and lay on the ground for three hours before being found by the gardener. She was given an ultimatum by her family, either go to a nursing home or hire an in-home caregiver. That was four years ago.… Read more »
Seniors nationwide claim their independence as a “most valued possession.” For many, remaining independent means staying physically fit in order to take care of themselves, maintain their mobility and live a healthy active life. With this in mind, Riverside County developed Fit After 50, a free fitness program for seniors, aimed at avoiding falls and… Read more »
Keep Your Brain Healthy to Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease When we think about staying fit, we generally think from the neck down. However, brain health plays a critical role in almost everything we do–thinking, feeling, reasoning, working, playing–even sleeping. The good news is we now know there are things we can do to… Read more »