“You have cancer.” For some, these words are a sudden reality. For others, a harsh diagnosis to deliver. They have become three of the most feared words in our society today. When faced with this news, a patient may become overwhelmed with the plethora of information and tasks that follow. There are immediate steps to… Read more »
Medical News
Fibromyalgia (FMS) is an often misunderstood—even unrecognized—disorder that causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness which tends to come and go and move about the body. FMS affects 2-4% of the population, predominantly women and the prevalence increases with age.[sup]1[/sup] In 1990, The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) in the Criteria for the Classification of Fibromyalgia… Read more »
Regular exercise eases the pain and returns function to people suffering with arthritis. Why do you think the first thing your doctor does when you complain of a sore knee or painful shoulder is to send you to physical therapy? They want you to strengthen the muscles supporting your aching joint to treat your pain.… Read more »
In the last several years, the “toning” or “fit” shoe has inundated the fitness market with claims to burn more calories, improve posture and endurance, decrease the pain of arthritis and tone leg muscles. These shoes have a rocker bottom or curved sole that was created to provide an unstable walking base and mimic the… Read more »
When Roland Perez decided to produce a segment on alternative medicine to complement his award-winning television show, American Health Journal, he was nervous to tell his many hospital clients. “I saw the growth of science-based complementary medicine and thought it was important to cover that aspect as well,” stated Perez. “I called each hospital personally… Read more »
Profession: Clinical Compounding Pharmacist Accreditations: Fellowship American College of Veterinary Pharmacist, Fellowship Anti-Aging &Regenerative Medicine, Member of Professional Compounding Centers of America Career: Doctor of Pharmacy from University Ife in Nigeria, Worked for Thrifty & Wal-Mart in California (10 years), Founded Las Palmas Pharmacy in Palm Springs in 2002, Acquired the Desert’s oldest pharmacy, Fireside… Read more »
Sleep Disorder Breathing: Possible Cause of Morning Headaches, Night Sweats and Erectile Dysfunction
There are several interesting symptoms associated with sleep disorder breathing besides the more commonly heard complaints of snoring (approximately 100 million Americans) and daytime tiredness or sleepiness. Some of these symptoms may be overlooked by health care professionals unfamiliar with breathing challenges and the physiological functions of air breathing and sleep. Symptoms of sleep disorder… Read more »
Recognizing the national movement towards integrative medicine, Eisenhower Medical Center has opened the Eisenhower Wellness Institute at the Argyros Health Center in La Quinta. In its initial phase, the Institute will offer doctor consultations on preventative health care, memory assessment and preservation, and sports medicine. Phase two, planned for late summer, will incorporate complementary therapies… Read more »
Each year, millions of Americans slowly develop debilitating pain in their hand(s) that causes sleepless nights and weakness of grip limiting the use of their hand or even the ability to work. Usually not related to injuries, the pain evolves slowly over time in one or both hands. There may be painful numbness or tingling… Read more »
Hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions in the United States, affecting more than 31 million Americans. Hearing loss affects children and adults, and the incidence of hearing loss increases with age. Nearly one-third of individuals over the age of 65 have hearing loss, and half of those over 75 have significant… Read more »
There is a new scientific movement on the health and wellness horizon that I want to share with you. It is the concept of Too Much Sitting. Researchers have identified two major health risks: too much sitting and too little exercise; and both are significant risks for your health and your waistline. We are seemingly… Read more »
The philosophy behind medical education has seen little change since reform in the early 1900s. However, over the past two decades top medical schools have come to embrace many mind-body-spirit practices as evidence-based medicine. At the turn of the twentieth century, medical education in the US lacked standardization, so the American Medical Association formed the… Read more »
Doctors and dentists from across the United States presented revolutionary findings at the Parkinson’s Resource Organization’s Symposium held January 14-16, 2011 in Indian Wells. Several hundred attendees including physicians, dentists, patients, caregivers, chiropractors, psychologists and others learned of new findings and successful clinic trials for minimizing motor disorder symptoms with a non-invasive, non-surgical series of… Read more »
Over 80% of Americans use computers and 100 million spend more than 3 hours daily in front of a computer monitor. As such, it is no surprise that eyestrain is the #1 complaint lodged with the US Health Office over the past 3 years. Computer use has grown 30% every year since 2000. We are… Read more »
Profession: Physiatrist, Board Certified in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physiatrist defined: Medical specialty concerned with diagnosing, evaluating, and treating patients with physical disabilities. The primary goal of the physiatrist is to achieve maximum restoration of physical, psychological, social and vocational function through comprehensive rehabilitation. Appointments: Managing Practice Partner, Desert Pain and Rehabilitation Associates Chief Resident,… Read more »
Overuse and injury to muscles, ligaments, bursas and tendons occurs frequently in individuals of all ages and professions. Symptoms may disappear over several days or weeks, usually with rest, ice, Tylenol or Advil. However many of these common problems persist, significantly compromising activities and quality of life. Over time chronic inflammation can cause permanent changes… Read more »
Pain is the most common reason people go to see their doctor. More than 75% of American adults experience at least one episode of low back pain during their lifetime. Although it is more common than heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined, it is the least understood disease doctors treat. It is not surprising when… Read more »
Dizziness is a common occurrence. More than 40% of adults report dizziness, vertigo, or balance problems to their physician. Terms such as unsteady, lightheaded, and vertigo, are often used by patients to describe their dizziness. But what do these terms mean? Vertigo is the perception of movement, and often is described as spinning. Patients may… Read more »
For many here in the Valley, booking doctor appointments a month in advance, sitting in a crowded waiting room for an hour, and then only getting 15 minutes with your doctor, is an unpleasant reality. No one likes this system, including local doctors who are making changes to provide better service. How did the system… Read more »
One in seven drivers now is over 65, and by 2030 the number of drivers over 65 will have doubled. Reduced night vision is a serious traffic hazard for patients in this age group. The retina of an 80-year-old receives far less light than that of a 20-year-old. Older drivers may have a higher risk… Read more »