Together Apart

Desert Life Today

So much has changed. The world has changed. I have changed. Those around me have changed. And life in the desert has certainly changed. While we each found our way to this unique place for different reasons – some to escape city life or retire in the sun, others to take care of parents or… Read more »

Committing to health with image of avocados

What We’ve Learned from COVID-19

The many trials and tribulations over the past few months have certainly taught us a lot. One of the most valuable lessons demonstrated is the importance of taking care of ourselves – both physically and mentally. While seniors continue to be most vulnerable to this distressing pandemic, a new report from the Centers for Disease… Read more »

prescribing life

The Growth of Functional Medicine

When I created Desert Health 10 years ago, one of the primary objectives was to elevate the work of our valley’s naturopathic doctors. Their philosophy of identifying the root cause of disease versus simply treating symptoms and “whole- person care” approach, taking time to understand and address lifestyle patterns, is significantly more effective than the… Read more »

Pause & Reflect

A Look at the Good News

Every human on our planet is struggling right now. For some, it’s simply getting through the day; for others, it’s coping with mortality in unimaginable circumstances.  If the challenges we are facing are taking their toll mentally, you are not alone. Many psychologists agree that the ability to comprehend the magnitude of what is going… Read more »

Letting go of time

The Importance of Play

Think of those times in your life when you were alone doing something you love; those times you remember being filled with nothing but sheer joy…maybe immersing yourself in a hobby, creating something new, walking through a serene landscape or simply sitting in silence. How did you feel? Most likely, you weren’t thinking about your… Read more »

How do people heal?

How Do People Heal?

In my work as a massage therapist and energy medicine practitioner I consider this question every day. Every client–each person–has a story. We are each on a healing journey. The details vary, but the quest is the same for all: we are searching for wholeness. What helps? What constitutes success? Recently I had a personal… Read more »

Cryotherapy for Breast Cancer

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is beyond overwhelming. I’ve certainly learned this since being told in January that I had breast cancer. There is so much to learn; so many options and opinions to consider. Each person’s experience or knowledge is different – as is every cancer. Not one to leave any stone unturned, I immersed… Read more »

Wanderlust’s Wellspring: Transformative

Transformative. It’s the word I’ve heard most from those who attended Wellspring, the mind-body-spirit think tank produced by Wanderlust and held at the Palm Springs Convention Center last October. With over 150 influential speakers, yoga, meditation and fitness classes, and an array of spaces to experience products and practices, the event was overwhelmingly wonderful. Wanderlust’s… Read more »

Saving Bees in Our Community

We need our bees. They pollinate our food and help our flowers flourish. It may be surprising to learn that one out of every three mouthfuls of food in the American diet is a product of honeybee pollination—from fruit to nuts to coffee beans.1 However, bees are disappearing at alarming rates. The Center for Biological… Read more »

Rescued Horses Rescue Vets

What happens when you take rescued horses – some who have been abused, starved or neglected – and pair them with veterans struggling to deal with deep wounds from their past? A miraculous program that participants call both life changing, and lifesaving. Like people, horses can have strong personalities. However, those who work with them… Read more »

Health Matters Initiative Achievements

Five years ago, the Coachella Valley received an incredible gift. We were chosen to be the model region for changing health behaviors in our community. The grand task would take many organizations working together for the greater good and the work of countless individuals making significant efforts – large and small – for themselves, their… Read more »

I am a lung cancer survivor

In 1986, I was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer. My medical treatment included removal of my lower left lobe followed by 35 radiation treatments. My road to recovery was long and difficult. At the time, there was little information out there for patients like me – no Internet to research and… Read more »