Every New Year, if you’re like most everyone else, you make a list of resolutions, but they soon go by the wayside. What if you chose one goal for 2022? It sounds simple enough, but how do you pick just one? Most of us accept that the past is history and the future is a… Read more »
Welcome Back
- By Michele McCord, CPT, CMT, RYS-RYT
- January/February 2022
“Welcome back” can have a multitude of meanings such as coming home, rejoining a social group, or returning to a healthy lifestyle. Those two little words have more gravity in recent months as we slowly return to a feeling of connection to one another, and to our better selves. Through the holidays it is common… Read more »
Music: Medicine For The Soul
- By Michele McCord, CPT, CMT, RYS-RYT
- November/December 2021
Music has always played a critical role in celebrating cultural traditions, sporting events, holiday celebrations, civil rights protests, and entertainment. Music therapy has been in practice for centuries, but today, is increasingly recognized in the medical community as a treatment for depression, anxiety, and trauma. It is now being administered in hospitals, nursing homes, recovery… Read more »
30 Minutes Once a Week Works
- By Lisa May, CPT
- November/December 2021
If you have read the latest fitness science then you know that weight training has significant benefits – especially as our bodies age: improved metabolism and body mass index (ratio of fat compared to muscle), lower cholesterol, better bone density, and sharper cognitive function, not to mention more strength, stamina and balance. But what if… Read more »
Pickleball Conditioning to Reduce Injuries
- By Michael K. Butler, BA; PTA; CSCS*D; RSCC*D NMT
- November/December 2021
Pickleball has become such a popular sport over the past 10 years that it is difficult find someone who hasn’t tried it. In 2020, there were an estimated four million active players in the U.S. – that’s a 21 percent increase from the year before. This new fad is on fire, as young and old… Read more »
Daily Chores Don’t Need to Be a Pain
- By Michael K. Butler, BA; PTA; CSCS*D; RSCC*D NMT
- September/October 2021
It can be frustrating when time is of the essence and you have chores that need to be done. You’ve done these things a million times; they have become routine and it’s necessary to do them in a timely fashion as your busy schedule demands. Then, something out of the ordinary happens. As you’re putting… Read more »
Got Arthritis? A Path to Pain-free Living
- By Michele McCord, CPT, CMT, RYS-RYT
- September/October 2021
Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that can lead to debilitating pain. More than 100 kinds of arthritis and related conditions affect more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children in the U.S. While there is no cure, creating a holistic wellness plan is often the first line of defense in managing pain and… Read more »
Sprinting to Health at Any Age
- By Michael K. Butler, BA;PTA;CSCS*D;RSCC*D NMT
- July/August 2021
If you are one of those people who likes to work out and has fitness goals, but you recognize it will take strength, stamina and balance to achieve them, then you might want to think about sprint training. You don’t have to be a professional athlete to benefit from this method, as we all have… Read more »
Better Together
- By Michele McCord, CPT, CMT, RYS-RYT
- July/August 2021
Many Americans have developed unhealthy coping mechanisms to combat stress and anxiety caused by the trauma associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of those negative behaviors include eating disorders and alcohol or drug abuse. This addictive pattern is true, especially for women. According to a RAND corporation study during the pandemic, “women have increased their… Read more »
Returning to the Gym Safely
- By Michael K. Butler, BA;PTA;CSCS*D;RSCC*D NMT
- May/June 2021
It’s been a very challenging time for our world, especially when it comes to our fitness. Over the past year, individuals and businesses have been trying to adjust to ever-changing CDC recommendations and requirements and attempting to adapt to new and different situations and environments. Many of us have been in lockdown and unable to… Read more »
The Back Nine
- By Michele McCord, CPT, CMT, RYS-RYT
- May/June 2021
The importance of fitness training has become wildly accepted in the modern-day sport of golf. In past generations, there was a bit of stigma in the game with lighthearted teasing for “spending too much time in the gym and not enough time playing golf.” All golfers benefit from cross-training, especially seniors who need to maintain… Read more »
Slow Down Your Workouts
- By Arnel Sator
- May/June 2021
Is weight lifting only for the young? Not at all! Even those 50 and older can enjoy weightlifting, especially lifting weights in slow-motion. Slow-motion strength training involves 10 seconds of lifting and a 10-second lowering phase. The exercise’s ultimate goal is to gain momentary muscle failure. Slow-motion strength training is an example of a brief… Read more »
Fit at Any Age
- By Michele McCord, CPT, CMT, RYS-RYT
- March/April 2021
Legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham’s advice was, “Begin anywhere!” For baby boomers and seniors, staying limber, active and strong is the best medicine for maintaining health and living their best life. Anyone at any age can get started and improve their quality of life by safely improving their physical health. Studies show that people with chronic… Read more »
Virtual Technology: A New Form of Mental Training
- By Michael K. Butler, BA;PTA;CSCS*D;RSCC*D NMT
- March/April 2021
For years, seeing youth athletes on their phones or playing video games for endless hours just drove me crazy. I knew it set the tone for their mood swings, depression and other health-related issues proven to stem from too much screen time and playing violent video games with their friends. Then, there was a market… Read more »
Getting Every Body Moving
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- January/February 2021
There is a new non-profit in the Coachella Valley serving all of Riverside County by offering wellness and sport opportunities for those with disabilities. Palms to Pines Parasports (PPP) was founded in June of last year with the purpose of providing competitive and recreational opportunities for people with disabilities while instilling a lifelong passion for… Read more »
Keep Moving for Immunity
- By Michael K. Butler, BA;PTA;CSCS*D;RSCC*D NMT
- January/February 2021
These are trying times, not just for Americans but for the entire world. Since the first outbreak was announced in February of last year, many businesses have been shut down, and fear and uncertainty have placed millions at home, affecting most people’s mental, emotional, financial and physical health. With many gyms compromised or closed right… Read more »
As state health officials announced mandates requiring the closure of non-essential public spaces, including gyms, many people began to wonder where to look for inspiration with daily exercise. The fitness industry is certainly being tested in 2020. Going into the fall season, exercise centers in California are working within maximum occupancy mandates that allow less… Read more »
Tuning in to Health
- By Barbra Angel, PhD and Michael K. Butler, BA;PTA;CSCS*D;RSCC*D NMT
- November/December 2020
When it comes to pain and bodily dysfunction, there seems to be a positive shift from doctors’ visits for prescribed medications towards natural healing modalities. However, with so many alternative therapies on the market today, it is sometimes difficult to know where to start. And many would never think of turning to tuning forks. When… Read more »
Intentional Walking for Winning at Health
- By Kinder Fayssoux, MD
- September/October 2020
Walking is a simple way to increase your health and longevity with little effort. Here are five reasons you should do intentional walking at a moderate intensity (fast enough that conversation makes you a little breathless) for 30 minutes a day: Reduces chronic diseases. Walking at a moderate pace can decrease your risk for diabetes,… Read more »
Steadiness: The Gift of Consistency
- By Jayne Robertson, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500
- July/August 2020
“However the seed is planted, in that way the fruit is gathered” is a Buddhist saying which seems particularly pertinent to being steady in our practices. It’s about showing up consistently and it’s during challenging times, such as this global pandemic, that we become aware of what we have harvested based upon choices we’ve previously… Read more »