Meditation for Military Troops

Our military is well trained for the rigors of combat, but many veterans find themselves unprepared for the debilitating post traumatic stress many experience when they return home to their families. Coping with depression, anxiety, insomnia, and flashbacks of war experiences can be overwhelming. In January, Time magazine revealed that the number of male veterans… Read more »

Where Does Transcendental Meditation Take You?

I had only heard of Transcendental Meditation™ (TM®) in the George Strait song “All My Ex’s Live in Texas.” Because of these circumstances, he lived in Tennessee, and through transcendental meditation he would return to Texas each night. “But I always come back to myself, long before daylight.” From this country classic, I always thought… Read more »

Jennifer DiFrancesco

Simply Meditate

Sometimes the simplest task is the hardest. In the case of meditation this is true for many. Meditation is simply defined as the ‘cessation of fluctuations of the mind.’ There is enough statistical research supporting this, and we should all be taking time in our day to have uninterrupted quiet time focusing on the breath… Read more »