Many answers we seek to feel vibrant and take care of our health and wellness, exist as natural remedies dating back 5,000 years. There is a science of self-understanding that originated in India called Ayurveda, translating from Sanskrit to mean “Science of Life.” It is a system of empowerment that looks at everything affecting a… Read more »

This year I had my 39th birthday, and I was feeling the ravages of time in ways such as superficial lines and sun damage. I have been mindful of sun exposure, yet am physically active and enjoy an outdoor desert activity. The early sun exposure, when I was younger and less aware, is also now… Read more »
The word “spa” comes from a small 14th century town known for curative, thermal mineral springs. From this location, the Latin phrase “sanitas per aquas” (health through water) originated. Treating the body through baths and water traveled from ancient Greece and the Roman Empire to the Renaissance era. By the 20th century. doctors in Europe… Read more »
Many Eastern principles and approaches can resonate and spread positive energy and wellness into our lives. The following are a few techniques and approaches to explore: Chi is the aspect of energy from an Eastern perspective. There is a Taoist approach identifying two different types of chi; prenatal and postnatal. We are born with Prenatal.… Read more »
It’s the New Year and a time of new beginnings. The number one priority for the population is health and wellness. This usually consists of joining a gym and starting the New Year focused on fitness goals. Unfortunately, this focus often falters. Statistics show that 50% of all new health club members quit within the… Read more »