Our Sustainable Future

One thing we all have in common is the way we buy our electricity and how that electricity is delivered. Thank you, SoCal Edison, PG&E, SDG&E, ConEd, etc., for helping us to sleep a little better at night knowing that you are there. The utilities have built the energy foundation on which our country runs. … Read more »

Managing Inflammation

Unresolved inflammation is associated with several widely occurring chronic diseases including arthritis, autoimmune disease, cancer, obesity, dementia, periodontal disease, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. These chronic diseases affect 125 million Americans. The presence of inflammation is what makes most people aware that something is wrong in their body. Anyone who has had a rash, sore throat or… Read more »

Craniosacral Therapy

The craniosacral system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This system extends from the skull or cranium down to the tailbone or sacrum. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique that is used to loosen abnormal tensions in this system and surrounding tissues.… Read more »

Deep Tissue Massage Myths

When a client asks for a deep tissue massage, the first question I ask them is, “What does a deep tissue massage mean to you?” For many people, it means PAIN and PRESSURE, which technically is very far from the truth about deep tissue bodywork. In its most simple terms, there are two primary categories… Read more »

A Simple and Nourishing Guide to Your New Year

Around this time every year we all make resolutions to lose weight, get in shape, and take control of errant behaviors. This year, take advantage of that January mindset to do just one thing: get healthy. Commit to a fresh start by getting back to basics and all of those other goals will fall in… Read more »

Integrative Cancer Care

Conventional treatments for cancer are surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormones and targeted biological therapy.  For those seeking alternatives or additions to increase efficacy or to mitigate side effects, a wide array of choices exist.  Interventions which have been scientifically studied and have shown positive outcomes range from drinking green tea to receiving acupuncture to applying ozone… Read more »

City of La Quinta: Working for Wellness

Winter is the perfect time for outside activities in the desert. While our counterparts are shoveling snow, desert fitness buffs will be hiking, biking and going on nature walks in our near-perfect weather. While La Quinta’s natural beauty offers considerable hiking trails, bike paths and meandering walkways for all ages and fitness levels (ranking No.… Read more »

Top Swaps for Gluten-Free Holidays

The holiday festivities, for most of us, revolve around a table piled high with family recipes and sweet treats. Avoiding gluten might be difficult during these gatherings, but here are some tips to ease your mind and still be a part of the tradition this season. There are many grains and flours that are naturally… Read more »

Floatation Therapy: A Truly RESTful Experience

Floatation therapy incorporating restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) has fascinated researchers, clinicians and explorers of consciousness for years, promising something special – a powerful transformation, a mystical peak experience, an intense change in biochemicals, improved performance, or a healing of our ills. The soundproof isolation tanks which were first used by John C. Lilly in… Read more »

Working for Wellness

Fall and winter are the perfect time for outside activities in the desert. While our counterparts are shoveling snow, desert fitness buffs will be hiking, biking and going on nature walks in our near-perfect weather. The City of La Quinta is the desert’s fitness destination. Packed full of hiking trails, bike paths and meandering walkways… Read more »

Reducing Toxin Exposure

One of the most concerning health issues of our time is the increasing exposure we all face to environmental toxins. There is mounting scientific evidence that toxin exposure is playing a significant role in triggering or amplifying many chronic diseases including obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancers, and multisystem conditions such as… Read more »

Death by Food Pyramid

Denise Minger is curious, tenacious, witty and smart. She graduated summa cum laude with a major in English and aspirations of becoming a college professor. Her passion is writing and in school she was drawn to classes that culminated in 40-page research papers because she “deeply enjoyed producing them.” But upon graduating, life took a… Read more »