Eric Presser, MD

Eric Presser, MD

Board Certified Thoracic Surgeon practicing minimally invasive non-cardiac surgical operations (in the chest cavity)

General surgery residency at St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center (NY, NY) after graduting from Ross University School of Medicine with honors

Cardiothoracic Fellow at LSU (New Orleans)

Cardiothoracic Fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center (San Antonio)

Premier Surgical Associates in Palm Springs

On medical staff at Desert Regional Medical Center

Practicing in the North Shore/LIJ Health System on Long Island since 2006

Rancho Mirage with his wife and two children, 5 & 3

Dr. Presser is new to the Valley bringing with him modern surgical technology that only top universities are utilizing. While he performs the full spectrum of Thoracic and Esophageal surgery, Dr. Presser’s main interest lies in minimally invasive lung and mediastinal surgery. He is also a tremendous supporter of lung cancer screening.

What made you choose the Coachella Valley? My wife is a California native and I always promised to get her back home. The Coachella Valley seems like a wonderful place to raise a family.

What new practices do you bring to the Valley? I routinely perform video assisted thoracic surgery which is minimally invasive as the incisions are smaller, there is less pain, and both recovery and hospitalization are shorter.

What are your thoughts on Integrated Health Care? I have always found a team approach to be most effective in patient care. I treat my patients like family and want the best for them, and am a fan of anything that helps achieve this goal.

Your best health advice? Don’t ignore your body–no matter how scared you may be of finding out results.  You cannot fight a disease until you know it exists.

Best life advice? Treat people the way you want to be treated (The Golden Rule). Always do your best and go to bed happy. It sounds corny I know, but it works.

What are your hobbies? Anything outside with my kids–swimming, riding bikes, golf. And who doesn’t like football on Sundays?

Premier Surgical Associates
1180 N. Indian Canyon Dr., Suite E421 • Palm Springs, CA  92262
office: (760) 424-8224 • fax: (760) 424-8227

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Comments (6)

  • Beatrice Robinson-Roller

    Dr. Pressor you’re our Angel. From our family to You ~~ Thanks so much. We are blessed to have you on our team as we journey to Janell’s Lupus remission. From a very grateful Mother.

  • September 7, 2013 at 9:36 pm
    What does it mean when a cough returns after removing fluid from around the heart sac? The cough has been persistent for about a week and the patient also has Lupus.

  • Dr. Presser’s hyperhidrosis surgery results are impressive. The results in my case were immediate. My hands and feet were completely dry immediately after the surgery. I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t expect the results so quickly, but the results were apparent right away. Additionally, the non-invasive procedure left small incisions which were barely visible and have completely disappeared. I experienced extreme constant discomfort all my life with this issue. It has been several months and my hands and feet have been dry. I highly recommend Dr. Presser for this procedure. He is an excellent and highly experience surgeon who really cares and stand by for his patients.

  • Dr Presser’s is our angel too. My husband has CHF and because of a procedure he skilfully performed my husband never had a problem retaining water. And he is not bad to look at either plus he is a fellow New Yorker. God Bless you.

  • Dr Presser is in my book a STAR. I came into DRMC with paramedics and my prognosis was fairly grim. I had liquid on my lung and various obstructions. Within two days he did surgery and in less than two weeks I am breathing as though I have “new lungs”, with ease and certainly feel I have a new lease on life. Thank you Dr Presser for you immediate, kind and PROFESSIONAL treatment.

  • Thank you Dr Presser for the wonderful experience we have had with you, your office staff and med staff. Surgery went well and the results were wonderful. We cannot say enough about the great service we have had.

    Thank you again for everything
