Eye Health Linked to Stroke Risk

A new study published in the American Heart Association Journal Hypertension suggests a correlation between retinal microvascular changes and increased stroke risk. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study authored by Dr. Mohammad Ikram reviewed retinal images of 1406 patient ages 50-73 between 1993 and 1995. With each participant, their level of hypertensive retinal disease… Read more »

A Closer Look at the Heart

Coronary artery disease (CAD), the leading cause of death for men and women worldwide, is the accumulation of plaque within the walls of the arteries which supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients. Hard plaque is the buildup of calcium, fats and abnormal inflammatory cells within the walls of the arteries. Over time, this plaque… Read more »

My Head is Spinning

Dear Dr. Kato: I’ve had several instances where I get a severe vertigo attack that lasts for two hours. It hits me out of the blue, and the vertigo is very debilitating! I notice that before the spinning sensation starts, my ear feels full and rings, and my hearing gets plugged. These attacks have been… Read more »

Affected by an Affair?

One of life’s most devastating traumas is finding out that one’s partner has had an affair. It is probably the most painful and hurtful experience one can go through in a marriage or committed relationship. The one person you placed your trust in above all others, and whose love on which you relied, has destroyed… Read more »

What IS That Floating By?

Ever see a small insect or thread passing through your field of vision but couldn’t quite put your finger on it?  These specks or clouds going by are often “floaters.” Floaters are actually clumps of cells inside the vitreous portion of the eye. As we age, the vitreous (a jelly like substance which is usually… Read more »


It has been an exciting time to be part of the American Heart Association Coachella Valley team as we continue to ramp up our community health efforts. In October, we launched a free heart-healthy monitoring program for seniors in east Coachella Valley called CHECK, CHANGE, CONTROL. It is a four-month bi-lingual (English and Spanish) blood… Read more »

Are My Silver Fillings Safe?

In the field of dentistry, there is a movement towards holistic or biological dentistry. The practice is fairly new and many contest its principles; however, the environmental stance is the primary driver: silver amalgam fillings contain mercury, and mercury in our water and food sources can be harmful to our health. So, are the amalgam… Read more »

Best Vision Ever? At This Age?

There are approximately 2.8 million cataract surgeries performed in the U.S. each year, and it is very likely that one day you will need this surgery to improve your vision. Today a successful surgery is not only improved vision but vision good enough to drive without glasses. This is an exciting time in the evolution… Read more »

Medicare and Obamacare

Medicare, the government program that guarantees access to health insurance for Americans 65 or older, has been around for 48 years. Despite nearly a half century of existence, and tremendous popularity, Medicare decisions can be a bit perplexing when you confront them for the first time. The implementation of the Affordable Care Act, known informally… Read more »

Advanced Imaging Shows Great Promise for Detection of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease affects one in eight Americans over the age of 65. Approximately 5.4 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and 82 million are expected worldwide by 2050. Unfortunately there is still no cure for Alzheimer’s but researchers are continually working to understand the hallmarks of the disease so that they can find a cure.… Read more »

Gene Therapy May Save Sight

Macular degeneration is the number one cause of permanent vision loss in patients over 55. Now genetic analysis is helping to reduce the risk of vision loss by assisting doctors in identifying the risk of progression and the best treatment for that individual based on their individual DNA. This is one of the first applications… Read more »

There Is a Fungus Among Us!

Nail fungus is not only annoying and embarrassing, but can also be hazardous to the health of your nail long-term. Although many topical ointments claim to cure the condition, because of their inability to penetrate the nail, the standardly prescribed treatment is oral medications. However, a new technology, hot laser therapy, is proving to be… Read more »

A Second Act

“Aside from losing my wife, it was the most devastating experience of my life.” Those who suffer a stroke know the incident is always a life-altering experience. For Robert Stack Pierce, the stroke he experienced in 2012 was a defining moment in a life filled with high expectations and much success. “Since my stroke, I’ve… Read more »

Preventing “Baby Bump” Back Pain

Low back pain (LBP) is a common complaint among pregnant women. According to the American Pregnancy Association, nearly 50% of all pregnant women will suffer from LBP, either during pregnancy, or during the post-partum period.1 Many women experience LBP with their first pregnancy, and the majority of sufferers state that it hinders their daily activities.… Read more »

My Head Is Spinning

Dear Dr. Kato: For the past 3 weeks, I’ve experienced dizziness nearly every morning when I turn over to get out of bed. I feel like I am spinning inside my head, and it is very frightening! If I lie perfectly still, I’m okay. Can you tell me what is causing this? Dear Reader: Dizziness… Read more »

the thoracic cavity with dr presser

Hear ye, hear ye!

I’ve been waiting for this news – as have most of the doctors, surgeons and health care practitioners who have seen lung cancer kill the many who could have been saved with early screenings. It’s about time! After decades of debate, guidelines issued recently by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force call for annual CT… Read more »

Client Care Extraordinaire

Many of us remember that chilling day in 1981 when the first diagnosis of AIDS was reported. It wasn’t long before this international epidemic took the world by storm as medical professionals and researchers worked feverishly to determine the cause, treatment and effect. Here in the Coachella Valley, a small group of concerned volunteers joined… Read more »

The General Surgeon

The General Surgeon

Anal cancer is a rare disease, with only 7,060 new cases, and 880 deaths estimated for 2013. When broken down by gender, the incidence is only 1.9 per 100,000 women per year, and 1.5 per 100,000 men per year. However, in HIV positive gay/bisexual men, the incidence is increased 100-fold, with estimates of up to… Read more »