Are You Eating Your Healthy Fats?

The controversy over dietary fats began in the 1940s when research started to link high cholesterol with heart disease. High dietary fat was blamed for high cholesterol, and many people avoided all fatty foods – even those that are health-promoting – for decades.  We now understand the relationship between dietary fat intake and cardiovascular disease… Read more »

What to Get Someone Who has Everything? The Gift of Longevity

With the upcoming gift-giving season, we can remember that longevity is a gift we can give ourselves every day, not just for the holidays. We all have a genetic blueprint in our DNA, which indicates whether we might have a tendency for chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, fibromyalgia, dementia and arthritis.  The thing about… Read more »

Do Less

It is said that you need to see or hear something three times before it fully lands. If that’s the case, I have now heard the call to “Do Less” on three separate occasions. The first was in 2006, when someone said to me that I seemed to have only one speed…full throttle, 110 percent.… Read more »

11 Ways to Beat the Holiday Blues

Since Labor Day, inflatable Santas have been pestering us, signaling that the holidays are rapidly approaching. Trees, lights and decorations have been rushing the season back into summer. But now, it really is time to focus on them. For some, the holidays are a joyful and magical time of year. We decorate our homes, celebrate… Read more »

Beyond the Doctor’s Office: Treating Autoimmune Disease at Home

Millions of people have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and the numbers, which include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, eczema, psoriasis and celiac disease to name a few, are increasing rapidly.  With so many people affected and very little time and attention offered by traditional medical doctors, most people are left feeling helpless. However,… Read more »

Reversing Six Diseases with One Effort

There is one thing a person can do to help reverse six different diseases: reduce body fat in the trunk area.  Most Americans have excess body fat in their mid-section. That fat is metabolically active causing a host of medical problems including:  1. Overweight and obesity This is the obvious problem of excess body fat. … Read more »

Doing Diabetes Differently

Let’s get the depressing part over with…then we’ll get to the hopeful stuff! When it comes to diabetes, we know the stats; they aren’t great. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 34.2 million people in the United States have diabetes, and one in five don’t know they have it. Over… Read more »

addressing suicide

Addressing Suicide Prevention

Suicide has surpassed car accidents as the number one cause of injury-related deaths in the United States, especially for cancer patients and teens.1,2 What if we could change that? Integrative medicine expert Deepak Chopra, MD and a collaboration of mental health experts and activists have launched the Never Alone Summit to bring awareness and solutions… Read more »

creams or pellets prescription

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Creams or Pellets?

Merely using a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy doesn’t guarantee lasting health benefits; it’s a lot more complex than that. Equally important is selecting the right delivery method—meaning the way in which the hormones enter the body and find their way to appropriate receptors to perform their work.  Not all bioidentical hormone treatments can effectively achieve… Read more »

Most Chronic Disease is Reversible

Chronic diseases are a recent part of human history. In the past, people only went to healers, physicians or hospitals when they became sick, generally due to infections, injuries or other maladies. Even cancer was very rare in the past as described by Mukherjee in The Emperor of All Maladies (2010).  The concept of chronic… Read more »

inspiring health & hope

Words of Wisdom from Our Wellness Community

How are you doing? During this time we’ve been thinking of you, dear readers, and eager to present this special issue inspiring health and hope from our local wellness community. There has never been a more important time to build and maintain a healthy immune system. But how do you focus on good health when… Read more »