You might have been alarmed by recent television commercials by law firms soliciting patients that have taken testosterone and suffered a heart attack. Unfortunately, these campaigns have been influenced by one or two negative observational studies of weak power and poor design. Fortunately, there is over 40 years of well-designed, randomized controlled trials and laboratory… Read more »
Integrative Medicine
Anemia: Natural Treatments for a Common Condition
- By Shannon Sinsheimer, ND
- May/June 2014
Anemia is typically characterized by low iron levels in the blood. It is commonly known that anemia can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, and dizziness. The more uncommonly known facts are that often anemia stems from using certain pharmaceutical medications, improper digestion, irritation in the stomach lining, abnormal bacteria in the digestive tract, and nutritional deficiencies. … Read more »
Cryo for Insomnia: “Like Night & Day”
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- May/June 2014
For most of her life, Connie Sandoval of La Quinta slept 3-4 hours a night. Her insomnia began at age 7 and became her way of life. Now 34, she has tried everything recommended and prescribed from melatonin, lavender, teas, and homeopathy, to sleeping pills, new mattresses, and targeted exercise. Nothing worked, until she found… Read more »
The Paradigm Shift in Medicine Today
- By Jeralyn Brossfield, MD
- May/June 2014
On April 15th the Board of Eisenhower Medical Center held its annual Trustee meeting and installation of the new Board President, Greg Renker. I was honored to speak on the topic of “Wellness: Improving the Economics of Illness.” The commitment of our medical center to lead the way by incorporating integrative care with traditional western… Read more »
Modified Citrus Pectin
- By Sonja Fung, ND
- March/April 2014
How does cancer spread? All of our cells have a life cycle: a beginning and an end. Inflammation from factors like stress, toxins, viruses and bacteria can cause mutations in normal cell DNA and disrupt the cell’s programmed death (called apoptosis). Without their programmed end, this radical cell can continue to grow, forming cancer. Once… Read more »
Health Care Professionals Join Forces
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- March/April 2014
On April 3-6 the Riverside County Fairgrounds in Indio will be transformed into a temporary mash unit providing much needed medical care for members of our community. Over the four-day event, dubbed the Coachella Valley Expedition, more than 500 health care professionals, along with 700 supporting individuals, will volunteer their time to provide medical, dental,… Read more »
Navigating the Grocery Store
- A Desert Health Review
- January/February 2014
The New Year is here and once again, you’ve made that old familiar resolution: “This year, I am going to eat healthier!” So you head to the grocery store with your list of good intentions in hand, yet it isn’t long before confusion sets in. It’s not surprising as this cavernous room is filled with… Read more »
Get Some Sleep!
- By Jill Coleman, RN
- January/February 2014
You’ve probably heard the many reasons why sleep is so important to your health, but as we enter the New Year, these friendly reminders are worth repeating. Sleep is when the body heals and repairs. Throughout your hectic day, your sympathetic nervous system acts as your accelerator allowing you to handle action and stress. While… Read more »
Fight the Flu! Naturally
- By Thea J. Rabb, ND
- January/February 2014
Your immune system is a complex network of powerful players communicating and working in concert throughout the body to keep you healthy. Supporting the immune system on a variety of fronts will provide you with your best chance for staying flu-free this winter season. Let’s get started… Eat an Immune-Enhancing Diet. Eating a healthy diet… Read more »
Proactive Cardio Health
- By Nicole Ortiz, ND
- January/February 2014
Many are surprised to hear that their hearts are the organ most likely to fail them. The reality is, despite all the amazing advances of medicine, the fragility of the human heart remains a key deterrent to human health. Until the last decade, there had been little in the way of preventative screening for the… Read more »
Combat Aging, Naturally
- By Shannon Sinsheimer, ND
- November/December 2013
Slowing the aging process is not just about maintaining an esthetically youthful appearance, it’s about keeping an active, able, pain-free body with vibrant energy, a keen mind, and zest for life. As our life expectancy continues to increase, Americans want to continue to be actively participating in their lives for as many years as possible.… Read more »
Men Go Through It, Too!
- By Neal Rouzier, MD
- November/December 2013
Menopause in females is a widely discussed, well-studied phenomenon, yet its equivalent in males – andropause – is virtually ignored. They are very similar experiences. Both typically occur from age 40 on and are caused by a reduction in hormone levels. Both can be accompanied by fatigue, depression, irritability, aches and pains, reduced sexual interest,… Read more »
Life After Cancer: Nourishing Your Health
- By Sonja Fung, ND
- November/December 2013
“What do I do to keep cancer from coming back?” “What do I eat/not eat?” “How do I live a cancer free lifestyle?” These are questions I hear from my patients every day. The answer is simple. The foods you should avoid in preventing cancer are the same ones you should avoid with post-cancer care.… Read more »
Is the IRS Visiting you?
- By Lucy Rojo, ND
- March/April 2013
Are you tired of getting reports saying that you have cholesterol and blood pressure issues? Do you feel especially tired after meals, or have you been trying to get a handle on your weight with little success? You may have Syndrome X. Syndrome X is a common nutritional disease caused by eating foods high in… Read more »
Naturopathic Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- By Shannon Sinsheimer, ND
- March/April 2013
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is defined as a condition with a criteria of symptoms that includes lethargy, poor concentration and/or memory, sore throat, headaches, tender lymph nodes, and muscle pain that persists for 6 months or longer. CFS symptoms may vary among patients — solely as fatigue and lethargy, or as a myriad of seemingly… Read more »
Stress: The Silent Killer
- By Sonja Fung, ND
- March/April 2013
Everyone is familiar with stress in some shape or form. Most Americans indicate they have experienced moderate to high levels of chronic stress but didn’t know what to do about it. Let’s explore what our bodies do in the face of stress and how we can minimize the harmful effects. Your body has a complex… Read more »
Help Your Doctor Help You
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- March/April 2013
Wouldn’t it be nice if we all came with an instruction manual? Then, if your doctor had a question about your health, the manual would provide answers. Today we call that manual a health care portfolio–a collection of data that lets your health care team know where you are, what you are doing, and where… Read more »
Cholesterol: Reconsidering Our Prejudice Against This 27 Carbon Molecule
- Nicole Ortiz, N.D.
- January/February 2013
Cholesterol is historically thought to be the biggest predictor for heart disease, and therefore not something we want in high quantities in our bodies. But, an emerging new paradigm in the medical community suggests it may not be the most important determinant for cardiovascular disease. So if cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease, what does? A… Read more »
Genetic Testing for Heart Disease
- Shannon Sinsheimer, ND
- January/February 2013
Heart disease is the general term used to describe any medical condition of the heart, blood vessels, and arteries. The type of heart disease that affects most Americans is coronary artery disease, or a blockage of plaques in the cardiovascular system which often leads to heart attacks. The most common health advice given to reduce… Read more »
Answering the call for a healthier America, the Clinton Foundation launched the Clinton Health Matters Initiative aimed at improving the well-being of our nation’s population and reducing health care costs associated with preventable disease. And they are doing it one community and one person, at a time. The Coachella Valley is one of the first… Read more »