Biography Becomes Biology

Have you ever audited yourself on the way you plan for your most precious gift: your health? We tend to spend time planning our financial strategy, our travel, our social life, but few of us create a health strategy for ourselves. With the growth of the functional medicine movement, I have pondered its basic premise:… Read more »

Treating Interstitial Cystitis

Painful bladder syndromes are very complex and often poorly understood. Yet, they are a significant public health concern and contribute substantially to health costs and poor quality of life. Painful bladder symptoms may include frequency, burning, and urgency to urinate as well as pelvic pain and interference with sexual function. The most severe of the… Read more »

Less Stress, More Joy

Life is about growth, balance, and passion. Life is supposed to be lived peacefully and joyfully. Alas! How often we are stuck in the stresses and strains, losing ourselves completely in the maze of life…too often. Stress hinders growth, leads to imbalance and breeds dispassion. So, it is very important that we prevent stress and… Read more »

Prebiotics: Fertilizer for Your Digestive Garden

Probiotics have really stepped into the spotlight in the past few years. New research linking gut health and pathologies like depression is proving what naturopathic doctors have been saying for a long time – the gut-brain connection is not to be ignored. By extension, gut health is of prime importance. To be clear, probiotics are… Read more »

The What and Why of Support Groups

Support groups are made up of people with common interests and experiences. People who have been or are going through a similar circumstance can do more than sympathize with you—they can truly understand your thoughts, feelings and questions. Often, people who have been through what you’re going through have fewer judgments about what you “should”… Read more »

Gut Instincts

Probiotic, micro-biome, gut-brain axis, leaky gut, food intolerance…these words have become more common in the past few years, and yet there is a lot of confusion about what is going on with our gut. We used to think of the gut or gastrointestinal tract as a somewhat indestructible channel through the body that had no… Read more »

Is Rejuvenation Biology the Future of Wellness?

Human biology is changing rapidly. Just as Moore’s law was applied to the exponential growth of computer technology 50 years ago, experts now believe that human biology has started a period of exponential change following the mapping of the human genome and new technologies to understand how life works. Rejuvenation biology is a growing medical… Read more »

Cryopreservation of Your Own Stem Cells

Autologous (your own) stem cells from fat have been used for repair and regeneration on an investigational basis for various degenerative conditions including orthopedic, urologic, neuro-degenerative, cardiac and auto-immune diseases. These cell therapy procedures are generally performed on an outpatient basis and involve the use of cells from liposuction fat that are prepared on the… Read more »

Advances in Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell science took a giant leap forward when it was discovered that there are literally millions of stem cells lying in the collagen matrix of your fat sitting just under the skin and easily accessible by a simple outpatient liposuction procedure. The harvested fat is processed in the operating room into a mixture of… Read more »

The Uncomfortable Science of Vaccines

It’s that time of year again, and flu shots are being offered at every pharmacy and doctor’s office. Vaccine safety is a controversial topic, dividing people into pro- or anti-vaccine groups, and stifling individual choice. U.S. Law has defined vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe.”1 Based on current evidence, I believe that there are no safe vaccines,… Read more »

Women’s Wellness Exams Offered Free

Before losing her battle with cervical cancer, Tracy Lane of La Quinta and her husband Derek started a foundation to further Tracy’s final mission in life: to generate awareness for the importance of regular Pap smears to ensure other young women would be spared her fate. Tracy passed in August 2013, but her work and… Read more »

Eliminating Diabetes – Diseases of Mal-nutrition

Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases that have in common an elevated blood sugar. They are disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. The frequency of diabetes has increased exponentially since 1980 along with the increase in overweight and obesity, and emerging scientific evidence points to malnutrition (not the starvation type, but rather eating the wrong foods)… Read more »

Smart Nutrition

Recently, I was privileged to train with a leading brain specialist who repeatedly reviewed with our team that the brain always does the best it can with the resources it has available. She demonstrated clinical examples how water intake, excellent nutrition, sleep, and listening to body cues alter brain function. Brain disorders affect 1 in… Read more »