“TMJ” is a term many people have heard but few know what it really means. The TMJ refers to the Temporomandibular joint, the connection between the jawbone and the skull. As many people who experience problems associated to it know, it can be very fickle. The official term for any dysfunction of the TMJ is… Read more »
Dental Health
Let Them Eat Cake!
- By Nicholas S. Baumann, DDS
- November/December 2015
Most of us were probably told from a young age that sugar is bad for your teeth, and it was pretty much left at that. Many have never received a full explanation of what really happens to our teeth when we consume sugar or carbohydrates. The good news is that there are “good” and “bad”… Read more »
Technology in Dentistry: The Future is Now
- By Nicholas S. Baumann, DDS
- September/October 2015
More and more often we are hearing of 3D printing, lasers, and computer-driven procedures. Usually it is in relation to industry and production, however, they are also the future of medicine and dentistry, and their use is being integrated today. Clinicians are always trying to provide the best and safest care for patients, and dentistry… Read more »
The Link between Oral and Whole Body Health
- By Nicholas S. Baumann, DDS
- July/August 2015
The mouth truly is a window into the health of the rest of the body. Several current studies show a strong correlation between oral health and many of today’s most common chronic diseases. In a time in which prescription pharmaceutical use in the United States is continually growing, the possibility of reducing the risk of… Read more »
Dear Dr. Malm: How many people in the United States wear dentures today? Dear Reader: It is estimated that 32 million people wear dentures today. The largest group is the 65 to 74 year olds, and approximately 57% of Americans in this age group wear them. Of those who do wear dentures, 20 million have… Read more »
Your Diabetes Care Team Includes Your Dentist
- By Mo Hishmeh, DDS
- January/February 2014
If you have diabetes, the high content of blood sugar can affect your entire body. The disease can harm the kidneys, eyes, nerves, heart and other important systems. Your teeth and gums are no exception. Diabetes reduces the ability of the body to fight infection, and studies have shown that diabetics are more susceptible to… Read more »
Are My Silver Fillings Safe?
- By Lauren Del Sarto
- November/December 2013
In the field of dentistry, there is a movement towards holistic or biological dentistry. The practice is fairly new and many contest its principles; however, the environmental stance is the primary driver: silver amalgam fillings contain mercury, and mercury in our water and food sources can be harmful to our health. So, are the amalgam… Read more »
By Lauren Del Sarto Studies Link Periodontal Health and Heart Disease Brushing your teeth is not only good for your smile. Recent studies indicate that it also decreases your chances of suffering a heart attack. Researchers in England analyzed data from more than 11,000 people taking part in an 8 eight-year study called the Scottish… Read more »
Many people suffer for years from debilitating symptoms such as migraine-like headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, ringing in the ears, soreness around or pain behind the eyes, facial pain, or clicking of jaw joints. Their first course of action is to visit their primary care physician, who may treat the symptoms with no clear diagnosis for… Read more »
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