How Will UCR’s New School of Medicine Benefit Valley Residents?

The Desert Healthcare District (DHCD) recently made a significant investment in the new School of Medicine at the University of California, Riverside. This investment will pay enormous dividends for the Coachella Valley in expanded access to primary medical care and new programs to improve health outcomes in underserved communities. The decision to grant “preliminary accreditation”… Read more »


Diet, Lifestyle and Your Eyes

Our eyes are the windows into our bodies and give important clues to our overall health status. Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of significant, permanent vision loss in individuals over 60. Approximately 1.5 million Americans have AMD, and roughly 7 million have an early form of the disease. AMD causes loss… Read more »

Health Sneezing Hay Fever

Is It a Cold, Allergies, or Sinusitis?

The differences can sometimes be subtle. Common to all three problems is irritation and inflammation of the lining of the nose and sinuses, causing nasal congestion, runny nose, and facial pressure. Sinonasal allergies result when certain substances, typically airborne allergens, gain access to the body through the throat and nose, and stimulate the release of… Read more »

Top Four Methods to Prevent Blood Clots

Blood clots are part of our natural healing process. Yet they can also negatively affect our bodies leading to serious health conditions and even death. Over 100,000 Americans die from blood clots each year.1  Blood clots occur when there is an accumulation of particles in the blood that stick inside the blood vessel. This accumulation… Read more »

Be Still My Beating Heart

A Fleeting Flutter…Or A-Fib?

Atrial fibrillation (A-tre-al fi-bri-LA-shun), or “A-Fib,” is a problem with the heart’s electrical system which causes the heart to beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm. While many may consider their fluttering heart a strange but passing sensation, heart palpitations, coupled with dizziness and shortness of breath, are cause for concern. By… Read more »

Desert Regional Medical Center’s stroke program

DRMC Launches Fellowship Program for Stroke Specialists

Desert Regional Medical Center has launched an expansion of its stroke program which includes new technology and a new medical fellowship program. “Desert Regional Medical Center has crossed the Rubicon in stroke care for our community,” said neurosurgeon Javed Siddiqi, MD PhD, medical director for the hospital’s Institute of Clinical Orthopedics and Neurosciences. “Desert Regional… Read more »

The Importance of an Accurate Gleason Score for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in men. About 240,000 American men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year, and in 130,000, the cancer is localized and low-risk. Although most prostate cancers are slow growing and unlikely to spread, most men receive immediate treatment with surgery or radiation. These therapeutic strategies are associated… Read more »

Time to Give Blood

Desert Blood Bank Donations at 15 Year Low

The other day I decided to give blood. I had recently heard that the two blood donor entities in the valley, Community Blood Bank and LifeStream, have combined resources to form one organization called Desert Blood Services. This united organization runs blood donation centers in La Quinta and Indio, with community blood drives at schools,… Read more »

Common Ocular Myths and Misconceptions

Excessive tearing is always caused by dry eyes Excessive tearing (epiphora) affects many people and can be quite bothersome, interrupting activities of daily living routines. There are many causes of epiphora and a thorough examination is needed to determine the cause. Some patients may suffer from dry eyes and experience reflexive tearing. The body produces… Read more »

Medications May Affect Eye Health

Over the last two decades, prescription drug use has grown in the U.S. from an average of 7.3 prescriptions per person in 1992, to 11.6 per person in 2002, to 12.6 per person in 2009 (the latest statistic). Along with increasing prescription drug use come many adverse symptoms that affect the eyes. When diagnosing symptoms,… Read more »

New Guidelines for Lung Cancer Screening

Lung Cancer is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States and it is still on the rise. In 1964, the Surgeon General’s report concluded that tobacco smoke was a cause of lung cancer. Today, smoking is thought to cause up to 90 percent of lung cancers. Currently, the… Read more »

Eric Presser, MD

Practitioner Profile: Eric Presser, MD

Profession: Board Certified Thoracic Surgeon practicing minimally invasive non-cardiac surgical operations (in the chest cavity) Studied: General surgery residency at St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center (NY, NY) after graduting from Ross University School of Medicine with honors Cardiothoracic Fellow at LSU (New Orleans) Cardiothoracic Fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center (San… Read more »

Osteoporosis Normal Bone

Osteoporosis: The Bone Breaking Facts

Osteoporosis literally means “ porous bones”. It is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and density, which makes the bones weaker and more prone to fracture. As bones become weak, they can break from minor everyday events such as sneezing or bumping into furniture. One out of every two women and one… Read more »