Warm, Cozy and Real

For those of us who prefer to eat clean, discovering a new restaurant offering a full menu from which we can choose is sheer exuberance. The checklist can be demanding – grass-fed, free-range, garden fresh, locally-sourced, gluten-free, dairy-free – all served in a warm ambiance with a full array of beverage options. Citrus & Palm… Read more »

Gluten Free with Tiffany

Why Nutrition Matters When You Have Cancer

A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. A health care team may provide a variety of treatment options, but it is up to the patient to prioritize and focus daily on their nutrition, which is the foundation of health. Malnutrition (lacking adequate nutrients) is a serious side effect of cancer and cancer treatments. In fact, at… Read more »

Lessons in Nutrition

Do you know how to eat an artichoke? How about a pomegranate or kiwi? These questions reflect a real consideration by those who teach children in public schools about healthy eating. If you’ve never been exposed to the aforementioned fruits and vegetables, there’s a good chance you won’t know how to eat them and benefit… Read more »

“Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.”

That’s it. You have to make a change. Maybe after a routine checkup you discovered your cholesterol or blood pressure were elevated beyond normal. Could be that your clothes pinch and tug in ways you can no longer ignore. Perhaps you’re inspired by a friend’s change in habits and the ensuing tales of increased energy…… Read more »

Healthy Italian Traditions

There are many beautiful lessons woven into historic Italian traditions which continue to be passed down through generations. A few weeks on the Amalfi Coast offered me the opportunity to see firsthand why Italians live longer, better-quality lives than most other nations, despite their blatant enjoyment of wine, pasta, cheese, and pastries on an almost… Read more »

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is well-known as an aromatic spice that people enjoy adding to oatmeal and baked goods. Less well-known is the fact that it can also be used therapeutically to improve several common health conditions including high blood sugar, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Cinnamon is derived from the bark of several species of Cinnamomum… Read more »

Delicious Without Debt

Whether you’re someone who walks the grocery store aisles with the calculator app perpetually open or ends up shamefacedly setting things aside at the self-checkout as you see the grand total rising much higher than anticipated, you may have noticed food prices are up. There are many factors at play here, one being that over… Read more »

Mushrooms: Food for the Soul

The reputation of mushrooms has varied over the decades. There are many varieties of this curious delight from the most common button mushroom to the more exotic Brazilian blazei or the Japanese nameko. They can be delicious, nutritious, deadly, magical, toxic – and very mysterious. With their meaty texture and filling density, it’s no wonder… Read more »

Gluten Free with Tiffany

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular method of weight loss with the additional benefits of increased energy, lowered inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity, revved-up metabolism, and possibly even cancer prevention. IF is simply applied by extending the hours between dinner and breakfast. The fasting period typically ranges from 12 to 18 hours. Men do particularly well… Read more »

Small Wonders “Wow” in Nutrition and Taste

There’s nothing like a guest speaker to get third graders’ hands in the air. Today the guest is up at the whiteboard drawing pictures and asking students to identify parts of a plant. The kids at Katherine Finchy Elementary have got this. “What’s the tiny thing the farmer puts in the soil?” “Seeds!” “What pokes… Read more »

Take a Trip to the FARM

Just off the bustling streets of downtown Palm Springs is a cozy café that immediately transports you to the French countryside. Walking down a narrow alley off the La Plaza corridor brings you to a white wooden gate that is the entrance to FARM. Many already know this little gem and realize that getting in… Read more »

Fruit Makes It Fancy

As July temperatures spike into the 100-teens, we desert dwellers emerge into baking parking lots and remember the importance of hydration. Most year-round residents have a lukewarm bottle of water rolling around under car seats and a liquid-bearing vessel on our desk at work; yet, many of us walk around in a perpetual state of… Read more »

Do You Zoodle?

One of the best gifts I ever received was my spiralizer. It is the perfect kitchen tool for turning zucchini into noodles, or “zoodles.” These colorful creations from carrots, yellow squash, zucchini and the like can be added to salads, side dishes and of course, to make an ideal pasta substitute for those of us… Read more »

What’s on That Label, Egg-xactly?

Now that we are well into spring, that season in the desert which can seem all too fleeting, the public’s attention often turns to eggs. In the U.S. people buy close to 180 million eggs1 around Easter time for dyeing and hunting. Eggs, however, are an agricultural product that defies seasonality. They’re available year-round and… Read more »

The Next Generation of Healthy Fast Food

Three years ago, life on the go inspired Indio resident Michelle Steadman to create a healthy raw food bar for herself and her family. It wasn’t long before she, her husband Kevin, and son Logan were mass producing, packaging and selling their TRUElicious food bars to Whole Foods and other retailers throughout Southern California. Building… Read more »

Artichokes Have a Lot of Heart

This unique and exquisite flower offers a lot of healing properties. Did you know that an artichoke is a cluster of many budding small flowers that come together with many bracts (individual leaves)? They congregate to create an edible base that we call “the heart.” The leaves have a slightly woody taste and can be… Read more »

The Benefits of Eating Seasonally and Locally

Seasonal eating is en vogue. Between the coveted White House vegetable garden, numerous food-related books, and sustainable restaurant menus, our world is being re-educated on how eating locally grown, in-season foods is beneficial for the planet, your health, and your wallet. Historically, eating with the seasons was the only survival option humans had. After the… Read more »